
My daughter is going to undergo neuro-psychological testing. Is this considered an IEE?

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My kindergardner was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and Post tramatic stress disorder. Before I undergo the IEP process with her school I want to research everything. My daughter is going to have a battery of neuro-psychological testing done. Is this considered an IEE (Independent Educational Evaluation )?




  1. A neuropsych battery is generally far broader than an educational evaluation. In order to answer your question, you will need to answer this one: by what criteria is testing adjudged to be an IEE? The answer will depend on where you are and the standards of the relevant authorities.

  2. It depends if the testing is done outside of the school corporation's direction. Independent testing is usually done when there is a disagreement with the school's testing/results/recommendations. Who pays for that outside testing depends on the circumstances surrounding going for outside testing. If you are doing the testing to prove something is needed educationally that the school is refusing, then that would be a circumstance that they school should pay for the testing. If you are doing additional testing for your own purposes, then you pay for that testing. This is toned down. The whole IEP process can get very involved. Find a child advocate to help you. A good child advocate can make a world of difference until you learn to act on your own.

  3. The usual process would be for the school system to provide the evaluation.

  4. Yes it is a considration.

    I.E.P is next after that exam.

    I EPs are individualized educaton plans for children in grade school.

    Yes. Do all of the research you can before they lay a fingernail on her.

  5. There are 2 types of 'independent educational evaluation'.

    1 is an evaluation that a parent pays for themselves, done by someone OUTSIDE the school. This evaluation can be brought to the school to be considered in what the child needs for special ed services.

    Be aware that special ed law IDEA states that schools only have to 'consider' this testing.

    2 is when a school does their OWN testing to determine if a child qualifies for special ed services, and the parent 'disagrees' with the schools testing, they can request

    'independent educational evaluation'.

    This is the school will pay for another evaluation that the PARENT chooses the doctor to do it, and the school will use the results of this evaluation to determine special ed eligibliity and/or services.

    Again, schools only have to 'consider' outside testing, but they are much more likely to use evals that they pay for themselves.

  6. It could possibly be, but not in this situation.

    In order for a school district to pay for an IEE the school must first conduct their own evaluation and then you must find that it is incomplete or inaccurate in some way and request additional testing or a second opinion in the form of an IEE in order for the district to pay for it. Then the district will make a finding based on why you are requesting an IEE as to pay for one or not. Of course you can always appeal their decision to a mediator or due process, but you cannot get an evaluation first and then ask the school district to pay for it. has lots of information on this and other topics.

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