
My daughter is having accidents?

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s My daughter keeps pooping her pants he will be 8 yrs old in June she acts like she dont know that shes doing it but she does it all the time shes been potty trained since she was 2 1/2 I have two other children one older and one yonger both boys I have never had this problem with them I dont know what to do I feel lioke I am being to hard on her sometimes but I make her clean her pants herself and try asking her why she does it and she always says she dont know she says she loves school and has friends and she seems really happy and healthy she just went to the doctor about a month ago if you know anything please help thanx.




  1. Sometimes, kids do not want to go in fear they are going to miss out on the fun with their friends at school.You the mother know the signs of your child wanting to go too the bathroom. I'd share this with her teacher and she can take the steps at school to help you out there.I hate to say it after getting her checked out with the doctor and everything is ok. You might  have to use a time out or a spanking..If she knows better than, she needs to be reminded, that its wrong and babies do that.

  2. I had a similar problem with my daughter when she was 10. It turned out to be a large blockage in her bowels. After taking her to the doctors and getting an ultra sound we had an answer. She couldn't feel it also because the only thing that was coming out was loose stool that was leaking through and she had no control over it. Many enemas later (to clear the back up) she was then  put on a lubricate so passing stool would be easy. She is now 16 and has refused to take the medication for the last 2 years. But she makes sure she goes to the bathroom everyday. Look into the sexual abuse thing also. Good luck

  3. Sounds like she's just too busy playing and truly having fun to stop and go to the bathroom.   I think having her clean them herself is a good idea but yeah, try not to be too harsh.  I think it's just because she doesn't want to take the "time" to "go."  I know, she seems a LITTLE old for this buy hey, there are a LOT of kids who wet the bed at night much OLDER than this.  It's okay mom!!!!

  4. I too was going to say it sounds like sexual abuse. But you never know.  Has she talked with a dr.?

  5. Hi there.  When you were at the doctor last month, did you mention these accidents?  She could have something intestinal wrong with her that is causing her to lose control of her bowels, kind of like when a child's bladder isn't totally under control.  If it isn't a physical medical condition, then perhaps she is doing this as a way to cry out for attention for some reason?  Even when kids seem happy, they could still be distressed about something and her nerves could cause it.  Encourage good hygiene with her and give her positive feedback...i.e. "I'm sorry that you had an accident.  Thank you so much for cleaning up the mess."  I'm sure she feels bad about it once she does it, but might not be able to stop.  If she is doing it around the same time of day, maybe you could give her a book and encourage her to get her reading in and "hang out" on the potty just in case.  Good luck and hope this helps!

  6. I have heard of a lot of sexually abused children doing that.  I know thats really hard to hear but you need to consider all options.  Maybe something happened when she was sleeping at a friends house or God forbid, even a realtives house.  You should take her to the Dr and talk to him about it.

  7. Oh, Really sorry to here. Um, You can tell her it's Ok to tell her anything. She might admit it and she will try to stop.

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