
My daughter is nearly 1 and suffers from car sickness. She's too young for the drugs - any answers?

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My daughter is nearly 1 and suffers from car sickness. She's too young for the drugs - any answers?




  1. There is something you can buy that clips on the seat belt....I cant remember what it is minimises static and really works so they say...hang on ...Ill have a look...EDIT...IT'S CALLED THE RELIEFBAND....I dont know if its any good for toddlers though.

  2. Car sickness is caused by the motion upsetting the balance in the ears. If you give her a dummy to suck on it will help regulate this.

  3. portable dvd player stick one to the back of the seat works for my 2

    hope it helps

  4. Try not to give her anything milky before journeys as this really makes it much worse.

    My son was the same and we gave him Piriton or Phenergan, although I am not sure whether these are ok for a 1 year old.  They basically work by making them drowsy, this is really the only thing that I found did anything.   Otherwise speak to your doctor.

  5. peppermint, when i was little i used to get very car sick and my mum used to put some peppermint oil on my wrists or hands(make sure you check the oil is appropriate for your babys sick).

  6. all you can really do with a child that young is to keep her busy during long car rides(toys that jingle, like another said a portable dvd player is a fantasic idea have someone it in the back with her to make sure she is busy) and try to stop often (if yourtaking a trip out of town) otherwise just limit how often or how long you are in the car in one shot.  make sure her stummy is not full.  if it doesnt stop or seems to get worse best bet is to see your doctor..sometimes there are unseen reasons to carsickness

  7. Hi ;)

    Try not to give your baby a full feed before leaving. This may mean you'll have to stop more often but she is less likely to be sick... If she vomits, give her a little water.

    Also try to travel when it's her nap time or when she is sleeping, she will be less likely to feel sick.You could even try to get her to sleep before leaving, in her car seat, if you can.

    In the summer (like today) try to keep the car cool and comfy.Don't overdress her, and use a sunshade to block the sun ;)

    Try to avoid strong smells in the car (car perfumes, your own perfume or cigarette smoke)

    You can always try to put on her favourite CD too, which may comfort her.

    Take a towel to put over your baby if she is threatening to vomit. It is much easier to remove than her entire clothing. Have a spare set of clothing accessible in the car just in case, and have plastic bags ready for soggy towels and clothes, and baby wipes to freshen up.

    Resist the temptation to stop travelling, as research among adults in America has shown that the symptoms do reduce after frequent exposure to travelling...

    Good luck x*x

  8. I suffered car sickness throughout my childhood.

    i hated it, and eveyone hated sitting next to me as i was always sick.

    things that worked for me are

    sitting next to the window - get her to sit next to the window so she gets fresh air,

    play her favourite songs which she will enjoy and sing along to it and not think about feeling sick.

    try to get her to sleep. i  noticed if i sleep i didnt fall sick or feel cik.

    try playing games, sing along things etc.

    keep her mind off from thinking she will be feeling sick.

    if its on her mind that she will be feeling sick - she will most likely to be sick.

    also get her to travel in full stomach. empty stomach your more likely to be sick. make sure she eats well before she travels. allow at least 30-40 min before you hit the road.

    also, carry something really sour that is edible. that way her mouth will wake up, and not give that sick feeling in her mouth.

    such as lemon sweet, or fruits that are bit sour/tangy such as a plum etc.

    also its good to carry some facial wipes etc. incase she does be sick. so she feel fresh afterwards

    take care and have pleasant journey

  9. My sister has suffered horrendous car sickness all her life - she even gets sick in elevators! Anyway, she has found that those accupressure wristbands worked wonders for her. I know you can get childrens sizes so maybe give those a try. Boots stock them. Also, ginger helps sickness so maybe treat her to some ginger biscuits for the journey.

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