
My daughter is only 11 weeks old and I just found out I am pregnant? Is this harmful to my baby or body?

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My daughter is only 11 weeks old and I just found out I am pregnant? Is this harmful to my baby or body?




  1. No its not. But you are going to be very busy! Congrats and good luck

  2. no,however it will be super tiring for you to be dealing with a baby and having one grow inside you at the same time you may find yourself needing a little extra help.

  3. It's ideal to wait at least a year between birth and getting pregnant. I'm sure the Dr will monitor you closely and everything should be fine. Congrats again!

  4. I don't think it is harmful to the baby but it will probably put a lot of stress on your body.  

  5. Wow, you sure put it down fast!!

  6. i think that the only harm that would come to your body would be it getting a little worn out from all of the extra work. congrats!  

  7. nope its not


  8. Look like you're going to have Irish Twins!  :)

    I believe the main concern the doctors may have at this point is the stress on your body.  Pregnancy can easily deplete your body's stores of everything it needs to care for a pregnancy....iron, folic acid, etc.  At 11 weeks, though, you're probably still taking your prenatal vitamins and that's important any time you are pregnant.  

    You will likely be more tired this time around as your body gets itself back into baby mode.  Your new baby, the little bean within, isn't likely to have any problems simply because it hasn't been long since you gave birth to his/her older sibling.  All of the nutrients and vitamins and such you put in your body will go to your pregnancy first, you second.  If I were you, I would simply add in a few more (ridiculously) nutritious snacks this time around just to help the two of you out.  I think you're going to be fine, though.

    IMO, if your body wasn't prepared or able to carry this new pregnancy, it would (unfortunately) let you know.  There are lots of kids born this close together out there and they are all healthy and happy to be so close in age.  I do feel the lions share of the stress will be yours, but I imagine you will do great with this.  I was pregnant with #4 nine months after #3 was born....totally planned....and I'm wondering now if you may have an easier time with your two considering your 11wo won't be nearly as mobile or into things as my son was when I was pregnant.  :)

    Enjoy your new pregnancy and your other new little one.  This is going to be a whole new adventure for you!!!  Congratulations, too, on both of your children!!!  :)

  9. Well I think you should ask that to your dr. but isn't it too soon to have another baby?

  10. Well it's not the best thing to do after having a child - get pregnant, but your body can handle it.

    Talk to you doctor immediately and ask if there are any extra precautions, vitamins, etc. that you should be taking in order to have a healthy pregnancy.

  11. No, its not harmful to you or your baby.  Women have been having babies that way long before now.  But I have to say you're braver than I!

  12. you will need to pay extra attention to your fitness and health. it isn't ideal to be pregnant so soon but it does happen often. however there is an increased risk of premature labor because your body hasn't had time to recover fully. just make sure you take excellent care of yourself and eat a healthy balanced diet.

  13. If you're breastfeeding, your milk may decrease or even cease altogether from the change in hormones.  So chat with your OB/GYN and pediatrician about keeping your current baby healthy.  Good luck!

  14. You will be fine. Your body just won't have time to fully recover until after the new baby.  My mom had twins and was told that she wouldn't have any more children well 10 months later after having my sister and I she had my brother.  She managed although she was exhausted and doesn't remember a whole lot from that time period she is thankful about it now.  We were able to do a lot of things together growing up and we are all really close friends now.

  15. Not unless you have severe complications with your daughter, or your dr. told you to not conceive for awhile. Women's bodie's are made to withstand child bearing - I'm prob. going to get a thumbs down for saying this, but it's basiclly what we were made for - bearing children.

    Just be sure that you take extra vitamins if your both breastfeeding and preggers so your body has the nutrients it needs as well as both of your babies.


  16. No it is not harmful to the baby or you.  You maybe really tired.

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