
My daughter is really ill. I just gave her Calpol and she threw up straight away should i give her more?

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i don't know what to do? ive been told by the hospital today to keep giving her calpol and she threw it up straight away will it still work ? Her temperature is extremely high and shes crying i dont want her to be in pain...shes 6months old.




  1. You did not say what the hospital diagnosed. So can only give general advice. Was the medicine in the sick? If so you could give her half the dose again.  If it is night where you are strip her off and take her outside in the cold air to cool her down.  Failing that the advice about putting her in bath is correct.  And if you have a fan keep that on her

  2. phone nhs 24. they'll be able to give you some advice.

    my son would get sick with calpol sometimes because of the consistency. dilute it with some water next time and it should go down better. if you are using a syringe to give it to her then make sure you give it very slowly or she might get sick again.

    calpol is paracetamol so even if your daughter has had some of it you can still give her ibuprofen. these are ok to take together and it will bring down her temperature. if you've got some in the house then give that to her to make sure you're not giving her too much calpol. otherwise the chemist will open in a couple of hours or maybe your local spar has them? it's worth a check.

    to get her temp down you can give her a slightly colder bath than usual and then let her air dry. this will bring her temperature down for a while until you've figured out if you can give her more calpol or not.

  3. You shouldnt give her any more medicine yet. You dont know for sure if she threw it all up and you dont want to risk overdosing an infant.

    Sounds like you should take her back to the hospital. Even if they sent you home the medicine doesnt seem to be working right? I would take her back and get them to take another look at her. Hope she feels better soon!

  4. If u don't know what's wrong with her and she won't take medicine you should bring her into hospital.. go to the A&E and they'll look after her... Keep her hydrated.

  5. I think you should call the doctor again to be sure what you should do.

  6. your daughter will not only be vomiting because of the virus she has, but high temperatures also cause vomiting too.

    I found that in order to keep the calpol down in situations like this was to bring her temperature down first by warm water sponging.

    Strip her down to vest and nappy. use a sheet for a blanket (otherwise she will chill too quick) and sponge her with a flannel and bowl of warm water.  NEVER use cold water, you'll giver her a fit.

    Just above tepid should be ideal.  Wet down her hair aswell and you will notice a difference rapidly.  Then when she's cooler, try the calpol again but only give one spoon so if needed you can top up with the other spoon 2-3 hours at a time.

    Dont forget to rest yourself in between.

    PS dont give dairy produce for 24 hours as it encourages bacteria growth in her guts.  Dry biscuits, toast and water.  When she keeps that down for 6 hours, try other foods also.  

  7. keep the fluids going if  temp still high just ring the dr

  8. take her back to A and E or her doctor  ASAP  ,.

    what did parents do before the invention of " calpol "  I wonder ?

    weekend doctors can`t be bothered with sick people , so they just palm us off with some painkillers and a friendly smile.

    well ,that`s cancer cured ,then !!!

    a few years back , a good friend of mine , who presented with a headache was told to go home and rest ,and not to be so dramatic.

    she died four hours later from a massive brain heammorage.

    well done again , doc !!

    take your little girl to a walk in centre and don`t be palmed off, you want something done , NOW !!

    don`t be afraid to shout ,she has every right to medical treatment.

    I have been in this situation  3 times now with our children , from babes to 13 years old . remember , don`t be afraid to use your voice, shout and demand , it`s her right as a chid .

  9. Even though your daughter has thrown her medicine up she has still taken it into her system  I would not give her any more for a while.  Keep giving her fluids to keep her hydrated.  Call your doctor if things dont get any better.  Hope she gets well soon

  10. I am so sorry your baby is ill; it is an awful feeling to have your wee one sick; I imagine you feel a little bit overwhelmed and helpless right now.

    One way you can calm your baby is to put your hand over her ear and lean her head on you so as to muffle the so und of her crying. Just rock her standing up, for some reason that sometimes works.

    You can call the hospital or the doctor any time- listen to your gut.  I do not know what calpol is or  what your infant was diagnosed with; but if you say her temp is extremely high - and she is unconsoleable - call your doctor/hospital.

    To bring down a fever, place the baby in luke warm water, and slowly add cool water - in the baby tub or sink.  You could use cool compresses to her body.  I do not think you should give her more medicine unless the doctor/nurse advises you to; your child is under stress; it sounds like she can't keep anything down at this time; give her a little fluid, if she rejects that, call your doctor.

  11. Hi there

    You can give paracetamol or ibuprofen. Both of these medicines can lower a temperature. You can buy these medicines in liquid form for children. They come in various brand names. An alternative is to give soluble paracetamol in a drink. Note:

    these medicines do not treat the cause of the fever. Also, do not give both paracetamol and ibuprofen at the same time. However, it you try one and it does not seem to work very well, you can try the other.

    1) Take the clothes off the child if the room is normal 'room temperature'. It is wrong to wrap up a feverish child.

    2) Give lots of to drink. This helps to prevent dehydration. You might find that a child is more willing to have a good drink if they are not so irritable. So, if they are not keen to drink, it may help to give some paracetamol or ibuprofen first. Then, try them with drinks half an hour or so later when their temperature is likely to have come down. If

    breastfeeding then keep breastfeeding as breastmilk is the best fluid. However, you can offer feeds more often to increase amount of fluid.

    Do not 'cold-sponge' a child who has a fever. This used to be popular, but it is now not advised. This is because the blood vessels under the skin become narrower (constrict) if the water is too cold. This reduces heat loss, and can trap heat in deeper parts of the body. The

    child may then get worse. Many children also find cold-sponging uncomfortable.

    Some people use a fan to cool a child. Again, this may not be a good idea if the fanned air is too cold. However, a gentle flow of air in a room which is 'room temperature' may be helpful. Perhaps just open the window, or use a fan on the other side of the room to keep the air circulating.

    *Other symptoms that may occur in babies with meningitis or septicaemia

     Excessive crying - often high pitched or moaning and different to their usual cry.

     Fast breathing, or unusual patterns of breathing.

     Fever - but the baby may not look hot and the skin may look pale or blotchy, or turn

    blue. The hands and feet may feel cold. The baby may shiver.

     Will not take feeds - sometimes repeated vomiting.

     Being irritable - especially when picked up and handled. Normally a baby will be

    happier when picked up and held.

     Drowsiness or sleepiness - does not wake easily.

     The 'soft spot' on the baby's head may bulge out, instead of being indented. This is

    called a 'bulging fontanelle'.

     Jerky movements may occur and the body may appear stiff. Sometimes the opposite

    occurs and the body appears floppy. Convulsions (fits) sometimes develop.

    let us know hows your baby doing

    good luck

  12. Hello i had the same problem with my son he was ill for about 3 days running.the hospital said it was a 24 hour bug??he was being sick all the time and had diarrhea.The hospital should have told you what you can give her.and yes the calpol will still work even if she is being sick she will keep some of it down even if she is sick.Its like us when we have any tablets they go in to our belly but when you are sick you never see them come back up!!dont be giving her anymore after he having 1 dose even if she is sick wait 6 hours or what it says to then carry on.but with my son i just gave him calpol and gave him water.(boiled in kettle then cooled).The best thing i done was giving him toast(with nothing on) and dry foods.and still giving him water to.

    If you are still not sure phone the doctors up or A&E and ask the question just say you are really worried about her and they will find out for you.The calpol could be to strong for her belly have you try going to the cemest and asking for something simular their are alot of things like calpol that do the same thing!!

    have a look at the link its from NHS might be of some help to you.

    i hope she gets better soon regards x*x

  13. i'd try to give it again but not the same dosage if possible give a lil bit of a smaller dosage b/c u dnt know how much her stomach absorbed it

    and try wiping down her skin w damp cloth so she dont get extremely dehydrated b/c of the fever

  14. hi, have you got any paracetamol suppositories! My son had this prob! He ended up having a fit! I didn't have suppositories! It was the middle of the night, when he was ill!

    Strip her down, get a fan on, even give her a luck warm bath and don't dry her, let her get goosebumps! Call the hosp too, if you can't get it down. I took my son to Dr's this week as his temp went up, he is nearly 3 now, but we don't ever want another fit! The dr told me if the temp stays constantly at 38.5 then a fit could happen! Get suppositories, they are called paralink in ireland you may have to cut them in half! Mind you if she is having diarrhoea she may poo them out! Call the hosp! GOOD LUCK!

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