
My daughter is sooooo clingy!!!!?

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My 16 month old daughter has become very clingy the past couple this normal what can I do...I mean I have to hold her non stop and she wont even ride in the basket at the store...I have to hold her




  1. just give her toys to play with and don't hold her so often pick me as best answer!!!

  2. It is normal - my son does the same thing and I do have to ignore him sometimes because I have older kids that need attention too.  ANd you know what - after a few attempts with crying and whining and holding his arms up looking pitiful, he moves away and finds something to play with and is perfectly happy.  I should say I don't completely ignore him - I talk to him and say mommy can't hold you right now, I have to help your sister or other chit chat.   I also make sure that I find moments to seek him out and say, let's play, and then he has my full attention.  

    In the grocery cart, try her favorite dry snacks like goldfish or cereal or something.  Or try to shop when someone else can watch her.   There is nothing more frustrating than having to grocery shop with 20 lbs attached to you.

  3. yah. you are her mom and she loves you!

  4. get someone that looks excatly like you and let them carry her around

  5. a lot of children have separation anxiety.  As a stage, this is normal.  But if this continues I would go to the doctor.  Even if there isn't a problem, maybe the doctor will be able to give you some advice how how to deal with this.

  6. Her behavior is correct for her age. You can help her through it by setting aside time just for her. Pick out a specific time of day and let her sit and snuggle in your lap. Let her decide when this special time is over. If you do this daily, she will eventually "let go" herself.

    Prior to taking her in a store, explain that you need to shop and she needs to remain seated in the cart. See if you can get her to respond that she understands before you get out of your car.

  7. you don't have to hold her. that's a choice your making out of some sort of misplaced guilt. let her know she's a big girl and the tantrums and crying will start, but in time will ease itself.

  8. She loves you.  She is going into the stage where babies don't trust anyone except the people they know very, very well.  Enjoy it while you can.  Don't push her away.  That would give her a complex.  Some day, when she is backing her car down the driveway to move across country, you will wish more than anything that she was this age again.

  9. Put her in the basket facing towoards you.

  10. it's nephew sometimes does this =P.But you can take her to some relatives to visit...

  11. ha my avatar loooks the same as yours!! well first id tell her that i wont be around forever and ask her one thing to leave you alone

  12. Has there been a change in your immediate environment?  Have you moved?  Have you recently introduced new people into her life (babysitter, boyfriend, etc.)?  Have you changed your daily routine?  Has she been recently exposed to something frightening?  Have you been away from her for a significant time period?  

    There are many factors and circumstances that might cause her to be clingy.  Try to examine what things in her life have changed (if any).  I view clinginess (at that age) as an overcompensation for fear.  If things in her environment have not been predictable or if someone has hurt or frightened her, she will cling to you for safety and protection.  I recommend that you stick to a strict daily routine for awhile (mealtimes, bedtimes, bathtimes, etc.), so that everything in her life is consistent, safe, and predictable.  Also, do not take away your love or affection.  Instead, set the limits for what you will tolerate.  Ex:  Instead of sitting on your lap, she can sit next to you (with your arm around her).  You could also set aside (build it into your routine) specific times that you cuddle with her every day (maybe while reading her a book or watching a movie).  Hope this helps!

  13. This sounds normal for that age. By the way you don't HAVE to hold her. You are giving her power and control by giving in to her demand to be held. I know it is hard to resist when she has a way of convincing you that her heart is breaking just to have you pick her up, but be strong mommy !!!   Try singing, being silly, wear stickers on your nose, play silly games in the store, hold her hand, stroke her hair, anything but pick her up. The phase will pass eventually.

  14. Maybe she just wants to spen a lot of time with her. Try playing games with her, and reading her books when she goes to bed at night? I did this all the time when I was little to my mom, but that's because I wanted to spend time with her. Most little kids do that, sometimes for attention, or to be nice, or that want to spend time with you.

  15. feel lucky cuz in a few years she wont wanna have anything to do with you

  16. Nothing too wrong with that, although it makes it more difficult to drop her off at places without her causing a fuss. Slowly start to ween her off of being clingy by the age of 2 or 2 1/2.

  17. ha..thats its a stage and itll come and day she will be clingy the next she ignores what i did ( my daughter is 2 and going thru a clingy stage) is that I explain it to the basket example I tell her " mommy would love to hold you right now but she is busy...( tired, whatever you want to tell her). so you need to sit in here like a big girl for a little bit and when were done i promise i will hold you.  this works for pretty much anything. when i put her to bed and she flips out i just tell her you need to go to bed and in the morning when you wake up I will be here. you have to make sure you follow through tho, that way when you do go drop her off at a daycare or somewhere where you wont be in the same place as her she trusts you..and believe me she is only18 months but she does understand what you are saying to her.

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