
My daughter is starting school after the summer, she is quite boisterous at home,?

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the staff at nursery say she is very timid there why is this?




  1. She's shy...

    She'll grow out of it.

  2. Very typical.  My son is very "boisterous" at home but at school they tell me he's "an angel".  :-)  I'm sure he is.  One of parents has observed in the classroom and tells me he is a very calm leader in the classroom...she also sees him in the home setting and more often than not will comment that it seems that he is experimenting with what he sees at school.  Quite possible.  That's a parent's opinion.

    I tend to agree with the answer that children react different to the two very different types of settings.  I think that individual used the term "bi-cultural".  I have found that in the preschool school setting the rules are very clear and the "consequences" are very clear.  Where at home we tend to "blur" the lines a bit depending on the situation and who is involved.

    Also if this is your child's first year in nursery...more likely than not it's because of her comfort level.  She'll become more "herself" as the years progress.

  3. She's just learning how the school system works.  If they describe her more like "calm" than "timid," it may also be that she has found something in the classroom she enjoys working on.

    I've had roudy students at home sit down and polish brass for a half hour in the classroom.


  4. That is normal. She knows she has unconditional love at home, yet at school she still wants to fit in and please others.

  5. Children are most comfortable at home - I can't tell you how many parents have told me I will have trouble with their son or daughter and I have no problems whatsoever.  It's good that she feels she can act out at home and then knows when it is school time.  It also sounds like the teacher might be concerned about her backing off in a confrontation.  It will be hard for you to encourage more speaking up since she is boisterous at home - it will be up to the teachers to encourage her to speak up for what she wants.

  6. this may be because she is very comfortable in her home surroundings which is great.

    she proberly is just getting used to being away from home and he comforts.

    it will come with age and as she becomes more comfortable.

  7. Children can be amazingly "bi-cultural", in that they differentiate between home culture and school culture.  This could be for two reasons:

    1) Often at home rules are more implicit than at school, and

    2) Their trust level with parents frees them to be themselves.

    At school, some children are more self-conscious about their behavior.  The articulation of rules and consequences can make them feel like they have to watch themselves carefully; also, they aren't sure how adults and peers will respond to them if they "let their hair down".

  8. shes comfortable around you but at school she just doesnt know yet. id be careful she could get worse the more comfortable she is

  9. It means you are doing a good job raising her!!  She knows to behave at school and show respect.  Even in teh adult world, different environments require different behavior.  EX: You behave differently at a sports game than at the movies than in a meeting than out with friends!  

    Also, like otehrs are saying, she is JUST starting school.  School can intimidate kids a bit.  They aren't as comfortable than at home.  Kids are often fresh to their parents (familiarity) and not to babysitters etc.

  10. shy, needs attention, not adjusting, needs friends

  11. I was like that as a tot.. apparently i didnt even anser when peple spoke to me! Its just shyness

  12. She is not the apple of anyone's eye at nursery, she is just another child that will behave whether or not she wants to

  13. Count your lucky stars! My son was exactly the opposite - quite calm at home, but very boisterous at school. I grew to dread parent-teacher meetings! :) But it turned out fine - he's now a twenty-year-old engineering student. As the mother of a former toddler who's now all grown up, please follow my advice and just enjoy your child's growing up years. We worry so much as they are growing up about whether they are learning at the right pace, are active enough, or not enough, or too shy, or too rowdy, have enough friends, too many friends, the right friends.... but when they're all grown up we realize that we should have just enjoyed watching them grow up! I'm sure she will be just fine at school!

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