
My daughter is teething badly has 4teeth coming at one time she does not want to eat what should i do10months?

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My daughter is teething badly has 4teeth coming at one time she does not want to eat what should i do10months?




  1. The main thing is that you keep her hydrated.  If she doesn't want to eat, that's actually ok.  She will not perish from lack of food, as long as she's getting enough fluids.  Try cold juices, popsicles, things like that.  Better still, give her Pedialyte Popsicles, and she'll even get some electrolytes and nutrients.  This will only be temporary (probably a few days at most) and if she does get hungry enough, she will eat.  You can also try giving her Tylenol and Orajel to help with the pain and make her feel better, possibly getting her to eat something.  And offer her many things, all throughout the day.  Even if it's sweets, like cookies or ice cream, at least it's some nutrients.  I would give her anything she wants to eat, but I would definitely push those fluids.  She should have a sippie cup or bottle at all times available to her..

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