We've been through many discussions on privacy, safety, and internet rules.
I know her Y! minor account password and keep her IM messages archived. She knows I would not access her account unless she gave me reason to but knows I will periodically check it "just to be safe."
Also, the computer is in the living room where I can see her from there or the kitchen with the screen facing outward so we can readily monitor content. I also have content blocks from Nortons parental controls and she and I have the agreement that I have to be the one to "check" any acceptance box.
Most websites for kids have parents give permission and she has done this often.
But now she's beginning to test boundaries and has been taught by her peers how to fake her age to avoid the parental permission factor and access social sites like fanbox, myspace, and other teen websites with chat.
Aside from total grounding from internet, what can I do more than I'm already doing?