
My daughter is turning 13 and wants to have a BBQ at a park, what do the kids do, its to cold to swim.?

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my daughter birthday is is november so they cant go swimming at the park, what else can the kids do?




  1. I do this two times a month but in the backyard cause i have a trampoline. Oh heres one game but out a pot um of flour and hind candy balls not one not to many.Then they have to find a gumball in 5 sec. and if the do get the gum ball they get a prize. And you also can go to the store get ice cream and topping they can make the ice cream sunday and which ever the judge likes gets a prize.

    Good Luck

  2. get a jumper you knoe the ones where they go inside and jumpp lol and candy bags and etc you'll handel it from theree

  3. Cornhole!  You can make your own boards and bags, or you can buy them.  That's always fun.  It's been called 'redneck horseshoes' and 'bean bag toss'.  It's really popular around where I live.

    Also, bring kickballs, wiffle balls, frisbees etc.  i would avoid the playsets, they're too old for that anyway.  Um, do you know any good story tellers or really funny people that would tell good jokes?  They wouln't mind stand-up or entertainment like that, but i'm talking about a friend - not so much someone you pay.  I have friends who spin fire, they're great for parties and they give me a discount

    Or, you can get equipment together (I'm sure someone has some) and do a kareoke or even just a mike and let the kids take turns in front of the camera

  4. There are machines that project movies on a wall or screen, you could buy, borrow or rent one of those and let her pick a movie.  Serve popcorn, candy etc.  Have everyone bring lawn chairs, blankets, or something to sit on.

    Have a field day set up, complete with prizes (candy, trinkets, those tiny trophies, etc).  Three legged race, Leap Frog, Sack Race, Wheelbarrow, etc.  I bet they would really enjoy it!

    Perhaps buy a large poster board and fold it in half to create a card.  Have crayons, markers, glitter, glue, etc. available and let everyone sign/decorate it so that she has a giant card memento.  It will keep them occupied and be a good keepsake.

    You could also just have music available and let the children hang out.  I think they would like one of the first two activities, though, and you could do the card in addition to one of those.

    What are her suggestions?

  5. It's never too cold for 13 year olds to swim...Besides where are you that it is too cold, in Australia?

  6. I played Battle Royale.  It's when you yell, "Battle Royale!" and try to push the other person to the ground.  For some reason, I usually win...

    Anyways, let them do what they want to.  They'll figure something out, trust me.  Maybe bring a basketball or something, too.

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