
My daughter is turning 16 this week.?

by  |  earlier

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We have had hotel slumber parties in the past, (yes i was chaperone) however last year seemed to get a little out of hand smoking cigarettes, and drinking beer, (probably more ugh), even tho i was in the room next to them, this still went on. My question is should i allow another party or something quite different? fancy dinner? I dont know .. girls, please give this mom some advise. What is the "in" thing right now for you kids at 16? Please no smart *ss reply. thanks!




  1. I'm not 16 but i have a brother who is and what you need to do is lay down the law with her. and stay away from words like "groovy", "far out", "wicked", and... you know what just don't even try to be cool at all teens hate that, all it does is embarrass them. tell  her youll give her a party but if the pull out the cigarettes and beer dont just sit on you @ss and do nothing, get up and take it away and end the party and ground her for month.

  2. well right now, most teens are doing the hotel party thing.

    Sounds like you need to be a better chaperone and confiscate ciggs and alcohol before they go in the room, and keep a key to their room and just walk in whenever you feel like it.

    They'll be less likely to do anything like that if they know you could just walk in.

  3. I think that a fam get together...or shopping spree with two close friends would be fun.

  4. Not having my mom around  ..

    sorry mom but you're spoiling the real fun ..


  5. well try this year something different than just a regular hotel party. Have a really big Sweet Sixteen. Get guards to check for things like cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol before the guests are allowed in. If u knew that was going on u should've interrupted because if something happened to those guests they weould question u for not supervising well.

  6. Well I'm only 15 but all I ever do on my birthday is go to Chuck E. Cheese. XD I even did for my last birthday. It's really hard to say. I'd ask your daughter what else she would consider doing. What's in for one person is out for another. Maybe she'd even like going to the movies? The Dark Knight comes out this week. =D

  7. I would NOT trust her again-teach her a lesson, and don't let her have a fabulous sweet 16. Give her a family dinner. 15 year-olds should not be drinking and smoking.

  8. Ok well i would throw her a big sweet 16 and have GUARDS whether this be just a couple of friends of your husbands or real guards. And have them check the people for any sort of containers. And on the invitations write there will be food and drinks provided no other containers are allowed except presents something of that sort.

  9. Well I dont really thiknk that you should let her have another slumber party at a hotel, your giving your daughter permission to misbehave, it's not acceptable.

    My suggestion would be, to ring up a local studio, you can book parties for modelling. They get made up, hair, make-up, and have photos taken of them individually, and together as a group of friends. They are not too expensive at all. All you have to do, is bring their own clothes.

    Hope I helped :)

  10. My sweet sixteen consisted of my siblings, parents, and my boyfriend all going and having a barbeque and bonfire at the beach.  it was hannah montana themed, and i made a pinata of myself and everybody loved beating it up

    we all had a good time.  teach your daughter how to have one without doing things that are detrimental to her still-developing body

  11. They should compare b***s and vaginas

  12. I would certainly say that another hotel party is way out of the question. If you give her another one this year your sending her the message that what happened last year is ok with you. Fancy dinner sounds good. Why dont you ask her what she wants to do and see what her ideas are?? Let her know that NOTHING like last year is going to happen or everyone is going home and your talking to their parents. I know 16 is a big age but their still children.. not adults so you need to be firm about not having another rerun of last year. Good luck mom!!

  13. ok. im 15. smoking? thats disguting, i live in a neighborhood that is not that 'safe' [ghetto] and smoking is out of the question. 15 yr olds smoking? EWW. i understand drinking. a couple of my friends drink when they go to parties, not excesively, but they drink a bit. i know many people who are only 15 and drink and smoke weed. i understand why people smoke weed, to get that high feeling, but cigarettes? eww. thats just nasty. im sorry im not helping. well i think you should give her the money you would waste on a party or whatever and give it to her to waste on clothes and stuff. atleast that way you know she is safe and not smoking and drinking. i would love money instead of a party, im 15, i could just go to someone elses party. but ask her too. for what she wants, no offence but from what you said i get the feeling you kinda let her do whatever she wants.if my mother ever caught me smoking or drinking i would get the beatdown of my life. well good luck!

  14. Just do something fancy. Personally, because of the media and other kids in highschool portraying the party life of drinking and clubbing...that's wat makes kids grow up thinking thats the way to fit in and be popular. i think you should sit down with ur daughter and tell her u didnt like what went on in her last party because of the smoking and drinking..THATS A YOUNG AGE. This time try a different approach, a fancy dinner.

  15. I had a dance party at a hall, but then again, I didn't have a 15th birthday party where I got drunk and smoked... anyway...

    I'm sure she was punished for that, right?

    At my party back in January, I had it at a local VFW hall, it was catered by the people at the hall and after dinner we danced and had a great time! =D

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