
My daughter is turning 5 yrs old tomarrow...?

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the situation is this she has had her ears pierced in the past by walmart and they became infected and the jewelry was literally bent when we took them out but now she would like to try and have it done again. Should I do this and if so where do you suggest I go besides Wal Mart?




  1. Some pediatric doctors offices will do it, just so parents don't get it done somewhere that isn't sterile.  That's where my oldest daughter had hers done.  Look into it! And tell her that Y!A said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" ;o)

  2. Her docter.


  3. Do you have a Claires nearby?

    They do ear piercing for free, you just have to pay for the earings which are inexpensive.

  4. Why not let her ears remained unpierced? First time you may be lucky that the infection didnt destroy the ear drum organs (and technology has not come across a method to create new ears).

    Second time however may be a more serious infection. Besides she would look just as good without the earrings.

  5. go to claire's.  thats a great place to get a childs ears peirced.

  6. If you absolutely have to do this... I believe the real problem lies in the jewelry-type, and not in whoever performed the actual piercing. My sister was allergic to silver, and so she could only have fakes, and eventually dropped the whole thing... Maybe your daughter should too, before something seriously bad happens... Which would really be a shame, just because of such an unimportant matter.

  7. go to Claires. they pierce for free but you hafta pay for earing which are inexpensive.

  8. the decision about whether or not you do it is your choice.

    but i dont live in your area, so my advice is to call around

    and research different piercing places.  claire's [girls accessory stores, usually found in malls] have a good reputation though.

    good luck

  9. If you have a Claire's - they are pretty good at it. Ask them how many times they have done it and leave if its less than 25.

  10. Just go to the mall, and find an accessory store. Most accessory stores (such as Claires, Ardene, etc) will give free ear piercing with the purchase of earrings.

  11. Try clairs in the mall, they will give you some liquid that they give you free to keep your ears clean. They also do it free!

  12. Ask your pediatrician if he will.

  13. Make sure she isn't allergic to gold/silver/anything-else-they-make-eari... I got an infection from cubic zirconium earings, it might be that too.

  14. Go to her doctor. Thats the BEST way for it to be done. Not by the mall, or claires, or anything all those places are really dangerous but the doctors office would be the best choice! Please dont take her to a public place like Wal-Mart, Claires, The Mall! all bad bad choices. Take her to the doctor!

  15. wal-mart? r u kdding me u should go to pharmacy its better and use a good earring a gold one that wont infect

    wal-mart meh

  16. Yeah walmart has unsterile situations there and the staff isn't really all that trained.  Here walmart won't really do it anymore unless you are 18 but they do sell the do it yourself kits for adults and children so the responsibility isn't on them.  Anyways I would check at your local mall, different shops there do it or some salons will do it or even talk to the pediatrician about it some will do it there as well or recommend a safe place.  One note though make sure they are nickle free.  The earlier a child is exposed to the nickle in the jewelry the more likely they will have an allergy.  I let my son get his ear done really early on and didn't realize the earring had nickle in it and he now has a reaction to all jewlery with nickle in it.  Sterling Silver (but not just coated) usually works ok.


  18. Anywhere but Walmart, haha.

    I would try Claires or any other Jewely place you would find in a mall.

  19. I had my daughter's ears pierced in her Pediatrician's office.  Ask there... everything is sterilized and no problems......

  20. When i got my ears pierced like 15years ago. My parents took me to Piercing Pagoda and Claire's. They studied the prices and found out Piercing Pagoda was cheaper and cleaner.

  21. doctors office or claire's (it's a store not a person) would be best and healthiest

  22. maybe you should've learned something from your first experience...if you have her ears pierced again and they get infected again you're just causing her unecessary suffering...she's awfully young to have pierced ears, what about a necklace or a charm bracelet instead...

  23. I had all three of my girls done at Claires.  I couldn't be more pleased with the results.  Never any infections, perfectly situated holes, and they gave us extra cleaning solution to ensure they stayed clean.  

    Good luck!

  24. get her something better than that cause it might not be the walmarts fault try somthi else

  25. I would take her to a doctor first. My sister can't have her ears pierced she gets keloids (sp?). It may have been walmart, it may be her. Go to a nice piercing place and pay for the gold studs, the metal alloy c**p can iritate some peoples lobes.

  26. Go to claire's and don't let her touch or take her earrings off until the reccommended 4 weeks are through.

  27. go to a mall

    and there should probably be a clair's stire in the mall.

    they pierce ears there and thats where i got mine done.

  28. Go to one of the booths in the mall. They are really good, do not! go to claire's though, they do a very bad job. :]

  29. when I was 5 I couldn't handle anything but real gold earrings or I would get an infection everytime. So make sure you pay extra for the gold ones. Claires is good. If you don't have one and you can't find a place, try a tattoo and peircing shop.

  30. tell her i said

    Happy Birthday!

    If she wants them, yes

    maybe not Walmart

    try a jewery store, it can't cost that much..

  31. Claire's

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