
My daughter is very outgoing, pretty, and stylish.?

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She has this friend which practically lives in my house, always seems to put her down, which I have told this girl if she doesn't have anything nice to say, not to say anything at all, but she continues on and on, but not in front of me anymore.ex: my daughter got new clothes for school, and this girl is constantly telling her its ugly, I don't like it or you look fat in it (which she is 15 and 98lbs.) or she doesn't like her hairstyle. I told her she doesn't need friends like her around, but my daughter is very sensitive to these comments. What else can I do to help her?




  1. It seems as if her friend may be jealous of her.  That's an unfortunate situation.  It's very difficult to tell teens what to do because they very much have a mind of their own by age 15.  I think your best bet is to encourage her interaction with more positive friends and hop she reaps the benefits from doing that.  As her mother I'm sure she does take your opinion in to account, even if it may not always seem that way.

  2. This is a really hard situation to give advise to, but I will try.  From experience, the more you talk negatively about this friend, the more your daughter will gravitate to her.

    I am confrontational by nature and possess a very strong alpha personality and so do 2 of my 3 daughters.  My youngest is sensitive like your daughter.  So I have always reinforced the fact that she is beautiful and stylish and I took her to get her hair done, enrolled her in a beauty class, let her model and feel pretty so when someone would say something wicked out of jealousy or spite she would recognize it.

    You see, you have to build esteem in your children and believe me you will still be reinforcing their esteem when they are adults.

  3. jus tell her 2 ignore her

  4. Explain what envy is. Explai nwhat friends really are and how she isn't . Explain low self esteem. Explain that this nutjob is a mental vampire who gets their jollies and ego boosts from putting others down.

    This behavior is a symptom of Antisocial Personality Disorder (aka psychopathy-please Google). Very common is young people, especially girls, and hopefully she outgrows it, but if not, APD is where she's heading.

    These people are leeches and need to be left alone with their malignancies.

  5. tell that little **** head to get out of your house! shes ******* jelous of your beautiful fit healthy daughter! she wish she was her! she does like your daughter's clothes she just wants them thats why she hating and acting all mad. i mean... how much does SHE weigh 1,000 pounds?! lol but seriously! i had this problem with my little sister and my little sister is BEAUTIFUL! all the girls would want to fight her and stuff all the time! and she doesnt even bother anyone! dont let that piece of **** that came out another woman's v****a back in your house. and suggest to your daughter that she doesnt see her anymore. if shes just going to comment and complain about your daughter all day then she is NOT a true friend. shes just a jelous *****.

  6. your daughter is like anorexic..

    did she like not hit puberty yet?

  7. Does this person ever treat her nice at all?  I think she should quit hanging around with her, and she needs to tell her why they're not hangin out anymore.  

  8. Nothing. She has to learn to deal with it herself. You are not going to be there for her very soon, so let her handle that.  

  9. maybe her friend is envious because she feels uglier, or she doesnt get nice haircuts, or her parents dont buy her nice school clothes. or she could just be a very mean young lady. If that is the case maybe you should encourage ur daughter to stop associating with her.

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