
My daughter just started public school and i've already been told they are sending kids home with lice.?

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is there any way to prevent my child from getting it? ive heard putting hairspray in her hair would help?




  1. many years ago, my daughter came home from school with Lice.   I did the common treatment.  but had to do it three times before I found out that she shared a comb with another little girl in her class.   Tell your child not to share hair products and clothing.   it won't stop the infestation but it will cut down on the chances that they will get it.     Don't worry it is just a fact of life when many children are put together.

  2. Welcome back to school.

    There really is no way to prevent it if she comes in contact with those who have it.

    Lice transfer themselves on clothing, like coats, or other items hung in the hallways, placed in lockers, or if they share  items that may be infected.

    The only thing you can do is treat it when it happens.

    If this would be the case, clean, and treat all fabric covered furniture, bedding, and stuffed animals in your home as well as the car if it has fabric seats, it's a lot of work, but that's all the advice I have for you.

    You can also call your local County Health Department, or clinic, and see if they have a lice prevention, or treatment flier, this may provide you with more information.

  3. this simply is not an issue homeschool children have to deal with.

    It can happen in other places, but we have the choice to send our children to those places or not.

  4. maybe she used someone elses brush.

  5. i dont know maybe wear a hat keep your hair up wash it a lot with hot water otherwise you just kinda stay clear of any one who has or has had it

  6. Teach your daughter to never  borrow a comb or hat and to not get very close with other kids. The lice can jump from one head to the next. You can get a fine toothed comb and check her every day. It is easier to get rid of if found very early.

  7. I was just reading about this today.  From what I read, there is nothing available that is PROVEN to prevent it, other than not "butting heads" with other kids.  Lice can't survive long away from the head, so even sharing a hat or comb is unlikely to transmit the lice from one person to another.  The best suggestion is not to hug other kids or share secrets.  When the heads are close together, lice can migrate from one head to another pretty easily.

  8. There really isn't a way to prevent it, but showing her how to not share combs/brushes/hats/jackets etc. will greatly reduce her chances of getting it.

    Because it's insects rather than bacteria or something like that, there is no specific way to completely prevent it - just to lessen the chances.  Sorry :(

  9. Lice do not like oily or dirty hair. You may try and wash it less, I know it sounds gross but it works. If your daughter is at an age where they still take naps then she may be lying next to someone who has it or her mat may be stored with another childs who has lice. It can be contracted through clothing and hair items. If your child gets it an alternative to Nix is mayonaise, lice hate the oil in it and it is free from the harmful chemicals. If this is the worst thing you get in public school then you will be blessed. I do not mean that sarcastically either. There was a case of sand fleas going around in our old school, horrible!

  10. Hi Princess,

    Lice is a tricky one.  Teaching your daughter to keep her hands out of her hair, not to share brushes or combs (neither loan nor borrow), not to try on others hats, and not to have head to head closeness or contact if possible will all help.  Also, make sure that hat storage in the classroom is not close enough for lice to jump from one to another (when weather turns cold).  

    Putting hairspray in the hair may help, or other products.  Lice prefer clean heads to dirty ones (contrary to popular belief).  So, having chemical products in the hair may discrourage the lice from jumping.  But, it may also make your daughter uncomfortable to have stuff sprayed in her hair.  

    Ask your teacher to alert you if anyone in your daughter's classroom specifically gets head lice.  Then you can take extra precautions.  I've seen it so bad at one school, that the teacher actually started wearing head scarfs and turbens to school to avoid getting it for the umpteenth time.  

    Best to you and your daughter!!

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