
My daughter just turned 1 yr & still isn't walking.?

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She started crawling at 4 months, pulling up on things by herself at 6 months & standing up without holding onto something or any help at 7 months. She stands up, takes 1 step & then sits down & crawls to where ever it is she wants to go. I know she's gonna walk when she's ready & willing, but any suggestions to get her there would be nice.




  1. My son started crawling at 5 months, was pulling himself up at 4 months though and started standing without any help at like 6 months. He started walking though at 8 months. Couple of things I think might have helped that. My Joshua is a pretty big boy. He is the height and weight of a 20 month old baby and he is 11 months now. So when he saw my friends 2 year old walking...(same size as him) he took a couple of steps and all of us were just shocked when that happen. Another thing is this toy I bought him to where he stands up in it and everywhere he turns in it, there is a button or toy for him to play with. I think it is like a exersaucer thingy...Anyways, I think that thing really strengthen his legs. One thing I notice about my son...when he sees another child do something he wants to do it. Like most people say though...they usually start walking after 12 months of age.  

  2. Many babies do not walk until after they are 1 year old.  You need to let her take her time.  There is no need for her to do things ahead of schedule if her body and her mind are not ready.

    Give your baby a break.  The average age for babies to walk is 1 year old.  Some babies walk at about 9 months old, and some at 15 months old.  Just be patient with her.

  3. dont rush her, she will do it when she is ready , my daughter didnt show any signs of wanting to walk, then she stood up when she was 14 months and just started walking !!

  4. Cheer her on.

    My 13 month old niece did the same thing at 12 months. She would walk as long as she was holding on to somebody's fingers. But we could feel that she really didn't need to hold on........she just wasn't confident enough to let go.

    One day, my sister and I happened to see her take a step. Immediately we cheered! She got excited and started crawling. Gently I set her back on her feet and started clapping and coaxing her to come to me. When she accidentally took another step we started cheering and clapping for her again.

    She caught on to the game and started concentrating on taking more steps so as to get the applause even more so. (she loves noise :)

    She's been walking around the house ever since.

  5. most kids don't walk until 14 months old be patient .

  6. she will walk don't worry. i walked at the age of one.

    she will walk just wait. a lot of babies do that too. they will!!

    there is no suggestions! just let her walk on her own

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