
My daughter just turned 2 and.....?

by  |  earlier

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I can't seem to get her off the bottle--I mean, she can drink from a sippy cup, but she wants milk in her bottle--how can i break her of this habit? My other daughter was off the bottle at a year old!




  1. Stop giving her the bottle.  Why is it still an option?  If she is thirsty enough she will drink out of a cup.  

  2. You should try taking away the cup fully first. If that doesn't work, kid's like things that are colored and pretty and cute.  Try buying a sippy bottle that looks like her bottle but with a more mature nipple or sipper hole and maybe she'll like that cup more because of how it looks.  If that doesn't work, try letting her drink out of an adult cup but with you guiding it and who knows, maybe she'll skip over both in no time.

    Hope this helps.


  3. my daughter was almost 2 years and still was drinking her bottle, i had the same problem. UNTIL

    visiting my grandmother in mexico she told me how and it worked!!

    great grandma just put some vinegar  all over the nipple, when my daughter tasted the vinegar a she gave me the bottle back, that afternoon she asked me for her bottle again, and i put vinegar again,

    at night again, but she didn't care and drank her bottle anyway.

    next morning i put mustard all over the nipple instead vinegar and she gave the bottle back,, and that happened like 2 more times that day,

    at night i asked her you want your bottle??

    and she said no !! yuck!!

    since then she never asked for her bottle again.

    it only took 2 days,

    i hope it works for you

    just make sure to give to your baby something to drink after he taste the mustard or vinegar.

    good luck

  4. Just take it away and don't cave on giving it back to her.  It's a security thing.  We're going to have to go though the same thing with my daughter and her pacifier.

  5. its called nubby its a brand of sippy cups that are like bottles its really easy to break fromt here

  6. just take it away and tell her big girls don't have bottles


  7. just throw it out. tell her bottle is all gone and big girls use sippy's.

    she may take a day or two to get used to it, but she will be fine

  8. Maybe you should have stopped giving her a bottle after age 1 like you did with your first daughter?

  9. just hide them or put a drink in there she doesnt like and put milk in her sippy cup and if she wants it she will drink it.

  10. It's hard, but you just have to toss them in the trash. Take the nipples out and tell her the bottles are broke and going bye bye.

    We just did this with my 20 month old and she's throwing fits at nap and bedtime, but she'll settle eventually(I hope, lol)

    Good luck!  

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