
My daughter just turned 4 years old and i was thinking of getting her ears pierced. Any suggestions?

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my daughter has seen me with earings and said she wanted to wear them, i have also taken one of my hair clips and clamped it down on her ear to show her what the pain would be like, she flinched at first then wanted to show it off to daddy.




  1. I was thinkind 16ct for the earrings.It should only be pierce one time.

  2. Don't.

    Never be permanently mutilated for the sake of what might be a temporary fad.

    So -- no tattoos, no piercings.

  3. Hmm I'd say buy her the clip on ones for now and wait until she's in elementry school.. Maybe about 4-6th grade, so she's old enough to decide something. Sides if she really doesn't like them, and i doubt it... they'll close up after a while when not in use.  Also maybe you could buy some play necklaces and things on that idea so she can dress up, like you do.. Hope this helped. :-)

  4. 2 things.. do you really want one more thing to have to take care of?  And also, it really is ok to say no.  Just because mommy does something doesn't mean it's the right time for her to do it.  Why not set an age that YOU feel is appropriate, and if she still wants to at that age, go for it.

  5. Good idea. Small kids forget their pain quickly compared to teens.So do it now form some good doctors.

  6. its a good idea to get that done now  so you will have it out of the way.

  7. My best advice if either pierce their ears when they are too young to remember or wait until they ask.  When they ask, explain to them it might hurt and let them ask again.  Now that she has asked twice, I would tell her that it's work to keep them clean at first, and let her ask again.  Once they get to a certain age, it has to be their choice to endure the pain and be responsible about keeping them clean and their fingers off.  

    When I was 9 my twin sister and I were finally allowed to get our ears pierced.  I wanted it done so much I didn't care about the pain or whatever - I was willing to do what needed to be done to have them pierced.  My twin sister was going along with it.  When she had the first one done, she thought it was very painful and she didn't want to have the second one done.  My mother really insisted - but I think she felt it wasn't made clear to her.  If she it was going to hurt like that, she never would have done it.  I have heard this story many times in my life - I can tell you.  Wait for her to want it for herself, is my advice!



    Awesome!  It sounds like she is totally ready!  What a great holiday event for her, getting her ears pierced.  They grow so fast don't they.  

    I had heard of a woman who was able to get the ear piercers to do both ears at once so there is less chance that she will want to stop before she is done.  I have heard good things about this approach.  I keep hoping my mom will just come home from the mall with my kids' ears pierced so I don't have to worry about it.  Good luck!

  8. Uh..

    I think you should wait until she is a teenager and she can make the decision herself.

  9. make sure you clean it often and rotate the earrings.  

    Tell her it won't hurt but the noise will be loud and right in her ear.  Pinch her ear ever so slightly and tell her that's how it will feel so she won't be shocked by the pressure.

    Let her pick out her earrings.  Maybe you can get a matching pair

  10. As long as she understands that it will hurt for a while, and she is OK with that, I think it is fine.  If she gets one done and then does not want the other done, take her away from the area to get her mind off it and then try again --or see if you can get them to do them both at once!!!  

    I think sometimes it is the mom who really wants it and she then tries to convince her daughter.  If the little girl REALLY wants it, she will tolerate it better.

    Good luck!!

  11. Wait until she wants them pierced and then discuss it with her.

  12. I got my daughter's ears piereced when she was 4 years old.  I used the Emla gel on her ears and she didn't feel a thing!  Fantastic stuff.  She didn't even know her ears were done.

    You can get the gel from chemists.  It is a little bit expensive, but worth every cent.

  13. First, ask her if she wants her ears pierced.  If she does, explain exactly what it will feel like, how long it might hurt, what you have to do to care for them, etc.  Maybe have her watch other people get their ears done so she can see what she's in for.  Then, if she still wants to do it, go ahead!

  14. There are many good AND bad points.

    1. (bad) they may just be doing it to be like you.

    2. (good) they probably won't remember the pain when they're older.

    3. (bad) little kids usually can't keep their hands away from that type of thing so they may get an infection.

    4. (neutral about getting them pierced) you may want to go get ice cream or something after getting them pierced if you do.

    5. (neutral about getting them pierced) for less pain you may want them pierced at the same time.

    6. (good) her ears aren't as grown so it won't have to pierce as much.

    Whatever you choose, it's your decision. So don't give into peer pressure.

  15. I think that it is a great idea. I got my ears pierced when I was two. Its good because your daughter will be very used to it by the time she is older. Don't forget earrings ornate beauty

  16. CUTE Prepare for screaming

  17. God gave you a perfect little girl.

    Can you improve on that?

    Try never to do anything irreversible to her.

  18. You should have done it when she was about six months old...

  19. well be careful...make sure she doesn't squirm!  and make sure she cleans them often, or at least you help her do so... but my daughter had them pierced when she was a baby and shes 16 now and shes never had a problem with getting them so early

  20. i think thats a great idea. Shes four so u can just explain that it might hurt for a few seconds when they pierce the ear like a bee sting or something but then it'll stop soon & she has to be brave but its ok to cry a bit. the only thing is that u'll have to sterilize her ears for few weeks 2-3 time a day. And she'll have to keep the earings on for about 6 weeks so whatever earings u choose u cant take out until awhile. After 6 weeks (or more)she can change her earings. i think she'll like like it & its good not to have to wait till shes 18!! Some ppl do it when their kid is just a few months old!:)

  21. I dont think she is old enough to make the decision.  Wait till she is a teenager.  I personally think it looks awful when small children have their ears pierced.

  22. It is fine to pierce her ears now. If she doesn't like them when she gets older she can just take them out.  It is not a sin, don't listen to all those people.  Do make sure you take good care of them though. Good Luck!

  23. im 14 years old now, and my mum got my ears pierced when i was 2 yrs old and im glad os i was little and dont remember the pain,i watched my friends going through the ears piercing phase when they were 12 and 13 and they said it hurt... also when you are young it doesnt pierce much flesh cos there is no flesh and the older you are the srtonger your ear bones become, and the more flesh you have to pierce them through....i think u should do it now.. later if she doesnt like it she can just wait for the holes to close...ther is no harm in that!!!!

    hope this helps :P

  24. Its going to hurt like h**l so have "daddy" take her to the store and you take her out for ice cream later.

  25. I see nothing wrong with it.  If you decide to have it done, go some place that has two guns (and two qualified employees) so they can pierce both ears at once.  This really cuts down on the crying and keeps the child from not wanting to have the second one done.

  26. do it while there still young


  28. no problem. just go to a jewelry store or somewhere where they pierce ears.

  29. most girls would like to have their ears pierced..

    i suggest, have a pediatrician do it.. in that way you can be sure that the materials used are sterilized and hypoallergenic... ;)

    my neice is 2 yrs old and we had her ears pierced by her pediatrician...

  30. don't do it...don't to anything that is irreversible. Wait until she is old enough to make a conscious decision...small children don't know what they want; they just see mommy and daddy doing it and want to join in. Would you let your daughter drink coffee because mommy and daddy had it?

  31. It's interesting that none of the answers addressed the high potential for infection. Kids of that age can't keep their grubby hands away from pierced ears, and don't understand the concept of infection. My son got one ear pierced when he was nine, and was able to keep his hands away from it. He was at a totally different stage in his development and knew what an infection is. So, my advice is to wait, for obvious reasons!

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