
My daughter landed on my babies head, is he ok?? plz help!?

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Ok so i was playing with my almost two year old daughter on my couch. I was holding her in my arms, and well she heard daddy come in the door so she swung back wards to see him. (Im really not a bad mom) My son, he is 7 weeks old today, and i had him laying on the couch also, but far enough away so she wouldn't hurt him i thought. Well when she looked back to see daddy, she hit her head on his really hard. he cried right away. and cried for about 5 mins.

My little girls head is so hard and my new borns isn't fully developed yet. He still has the bumps from where his skull is separated from being born, so i dont know how to tell if there is something wrong. Please give me some advice or information




  1. call 13 health

  2. well it seems as if your daughter, is ok. well i would go see a doctor for your 7 month old son, since he has problems already with his scull being separated at birth.

  3. If there is a bump on the head then that is a good sign. That means the swelling is relieving itself. If you call your local hospital you can ask to speak with an "Ask-A-Nurse". They will evaluate your son over the phone and tell you whether or not you should take him in. Babies have harder heads than you think!  

  4. Call your doc  

  5. I agree with "So Much Fun". Call the doctor and see what they say. By the sound of things, I wouldn't worry about anything. It probably wasn't as hard as you think and he probably cried cause he was scared. And don't think that people will think that you are a bad mom. We all have our moments.

    And to Jasmine t: All babies are born with their skull not fully developed. Thats why they call it a soft spot. The skull is made up of many parts and they don't connect all the way before birth.

  6. aaawwwwwwwwwww bless my advice would be to ring nhs direct  

  7. take him to the hospital and explain what happened doctors hear alsorts and they dont suspect foul play straight away so do yourself a favour and take the culprit with you as she may have something to be examined also. and then they will decide if the treatment needs to be taken further.

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