
My daughter loves gymnastics....Should I enroll her in more classes?

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My daughter started gymnastics a month ago and loves it but it is only 1 hour a week. She asked to take another class but her gymnastics academy only offers gymnastics for 7- 9 yr olds on Mondays.

Should I enroll her in cheer leading or tumbling at the same school?

Should I go to a different gymnastics academy and let her take gymnastics another night?

Or should I just leave it alone and only let her take 1 hour a week?




  1. ask he if she would like 2 have some more gymnasics classes its her choice so ask her dont force her hope it helps :-) thanx

  2. Don't burn her or your wallet out, but if neither of these things is a factor, then why not?

  3. enroll her in tumbling as well  - she will need to have time for homeworkl as well   no more than 2  

  4. enroll her in cheer leading  

  5. i would put her in tumbling to because it helps with floor exercises like back handsprings

  6. yes u should

  7. just don't push your failed life onto her.

  8. yes

  9. if she loves it dont stop her dreams

  10. yes, the early you start them the better they are.start in school and work your way up.

  11. If she loves it you should definitely enroll her into more classes. Look up some good gymnastics academies that can work with your schedule and her skill level. Who knows she may be the next Shawn Johnson! Best of luck.

  12. I would say try cheer or tumbling at the same school. If you go somewhere else for a similar class, she may not learn anything new (b/c of different ability levels and experience of teachers) and she may do the same thing at both classes (like work on the bars in both places), and that would be lame. See if her gym has private lessons.Where my daughters take gymnastics there are classes for all age groups every night of the week, plus private lessons, so you may want to switch her to a bigger gym altogether for 2 classes. Gymnastics is expensive though, so I would think that unless you have lots of money to spare that you might want to stick with 1 night a week and encourage her to work on her skills at home another night, like yoga style stretching or practicing cartwheels, maybe get her her own mat. I definitely wouldn't let her take more than 2 classes a week so that she doesn't stress her joints.  

  13. If she wants to pursue gymnastics, you should enroll her in additional classes.  I wouldn't go all out until you know that she truly wants to dedicate herself to learning gymnastics.  

  14. I would enroll her at the same school for tumbling/cheer leading (she has to decide). I wouldn't take her to another school because she's already used to this one and probably has friends there. I wouldn't leave it a just 1 hour a week, if she really enjoys it, it's good for her to have a hobby/activity.

  15. I had the same prob What my mother did was she enrolled me in a acrobaticks class it helped alot. you can try buying Gym DVDs for her to do at home but other than that if she loves it (GYM) enroll her in acro,cheerleading or tumbling classes

    good luck

  16. I would let her choose. Tell her that she can take another class but if she doesn't like it, she'll have to finish off that part of the class. An hour a week isn't that much anyways, so I would go for it and let her take another class. Just involve her as much as possible!

  17. I loved gymnastics and tumbling when I was younger and wished that I could have taken more classes but my school only offered one class and other places that had classes were too far away to commute in the day after school.  Gymnastics and sports are a great foundation for all kids, but not all kids are good at it or enjoy it, some parents make them take it up.  You should make sure that it is something she really enjoys and enroll her in as many extra cirricular activities as possible to offer her broad experience for future hobbies.  You never know maybe she'll one day be good enough to go to the olymics and is would be all because of you believing in your daughters amibitions.

    Hope this helps.


  18. Well try to find another school and if that doesn't work let your daughter stay in that class and explain to her that you tried to find another class but it didn't work out so well and you'll keep trying to find more classes .

  19. Let her do what she wants. Ask her what she wants do do, and then let her do it. Dont make her do more than she can handle or wants to do.

  20. Go to a different gymnastics academy and let her take gymnastics if you can afford to do so.

  21. Ask her about it first, then if she wants to, you can but confront her, you dont want her to fell that she is being rud=shed to get from place to place or feel/be too bussy to do anything else. I love dancing and I was taking to many classes at once and I was too overwhelmed

  22. talk to her coach and see what they recommend, if they know that she is that interested, they may be able to fit her into another class with a different age group. if not im sure they will have some suggestions for you. if tumbling is available for her age group, then why not let her try it out.  

  23. Ask your daughter why are you asking people you dont even know? Its her choice and her future. Are you even shure she wants to take classes?

  24. I would definitely encourage it. When I was younger my parents had me in dance, gymnastics and karate. I LOVED it but after awhile I wanted to quit, and they let me. If she is enjoying something that is healthy and that will benefit her throughout life you need to keep it going. I know classes can get expensive and if you cant afford more than one class then at least keep that one, but if you can get her into more things I would do it for sure. I think the cheer leading or tumbling is a good idea, just so she learns different things, and meet new friends. Starting young kids off with sports is so smart and good for them. Not only will they learn the sport but they will learn discipline how to stay healthy and in shape and how to focus better. Also they will have more respect and self confidence for themselves. :)

    Good luck

    P.s. Don't let her quit. [[If she's good at something keep her in it...]] She will possibly regret it later in life.

  25. let her do what she loves and let nothing het in her path. just make sure you don't over work her and listen to her bc you don't want her to over do anything, you want her to have time for other things and you don't want her to end up hating it.

  26. yes.

    it gives her more exercise and something she really wants to do.

    it's kinda like me but im with karate.

    im almost a black belt and ive been doing it for almost 2 years now.

    with tumbling...yes enroll her in that.

    she wont be bored ill tell you that.

    and if she ever gets sick of gymnastics, tell her to try karate xD

    good luck :D

  27. Inroll her in gymnastics type sports like diving, tumbling, and cheer. Its good exersise and it will help her get further in the sport.

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