
My daughter makes herself throw up whenever I leave?

by Guest59873  |  earlier

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How do I get this to stop? She's 4 years old and HATES when we leave and she has to stay with a friend/family member. She makes herself throw up. Yeah weird I know. How do I make her stop? No babysitter wants to stay with a child who's puking!




  1. Well, a child would feel really insecure if she doesnt know why her parents left the house. My niece did that.

  2. she is a little in secure so if u are planning to go out start briefing her well in advance so that she is prepared about it or try to win her by a small gift when ever u come back More over the person u usually leave her with may not be able to talk her way with the child So make sure u leave her with some one very capable .I hope my ideas work Also spend as much time with her as u can

  3. You should still be able to go out. Have you sat down and talked to her about it? About how mommy and daddy will be back in a little bit and she'll have lots of fun with the babysitter? Until she grows out of this, have a grandparent watch her or something. She might feel more comfortable with them and they might be a little more understanding of her throwing up. It's just a phase though. You should ask her doctor about it. I bet he'd have some great tips.

  4. shes most likly bulimic. my aunt was bulimic for 25 years and now she kant eat certain things that seem so good to us like sweets and breads. try taking her to a good doctor (perferably urs) and ask him how to get her to stop, if he cant he will probably put her on meds like liquid or chewables if she cant swallow pills yet

  5. Then I think you shouldnt go out until she is old enough to understand that mommy&daddy is going out.


  6. There are a few tips you might try... this is not uncommon. Take a picture (recent if you have one) of you, your husband, and your child, let her pick out a "special frame" to place it in, gather items around the home, for example, games that you guys play together, a favorite blanket, a stuffed animal, in other words, comfort items. Add all the item to the basket and create a "cozy corner" in the house that is a spot that she can go to when she feels sad. You can decorate the cozy area however you want, it may be a good idea to have her help you. Add the basket of items to the area. This way when you leave, she has an area that she can go to where she can look at reminders of you guys and build confidence that you are coming back.

    Another idea is to create a calender for her. Use some type of symbol to indicate that this is a night you are going out, you will have to plan ahead. Also, add special events to her calender as well, park days, swimming trips, etc. I hope this helps you and your family. You sound like a good parent, just hang in there, it get better! :)

  7. Sounds like she has serious separation anxiety issues.  How to deal with it with a child I don't know, talk to your pediatrician. Sorry, I deal with dogs

  8. Ok u are starting to make me think you are a troll...

  9. What do YOU do when she makes herself throw up? Do you cancel the babysitter and stay home with her?  If so, she is getting what she wants and will continue to do this until you become a slave to your house. She is using her behavior to control you.  It is sad when children have separation anxiety - I know sometimes it kills me to leave my son if he's worried about me leaving. Talk to your pediatrician and get some advice, but I would find a babysitter who knows ahead of time that your daughter does this and has agreed to deal with it. If she realizes that throwing up won't change the fact that you're leaving for awhile, eventually she'll stop - it can't be enjoyable for her!

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