
My daughter may have head lice?

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My 10 year old daughter home from school today and was complaining about her head itching badly.I checked her head and found what appeared to be one head louse crawling on her scalp.I did not see any nits,but,I went ahead and treated her hair with RID lice treatment. This was only her first day of school .Would it be possible to be exposed to ,and,have a bug in your hair on the first day?The only other place she could have been exposed to it was at her cousins' house,because they had a case of head lice in their house around the same time my daughter was visiting.The only thing I am confused about is that it has been over 3 weeks since my daughter stayed at her cousins' house. Could the lice have come from her cousins or did she pick it up at school?




  1. Just to be safe, tell everyone you need to.Lice spread pretty fast, and if someone goes untreated, you might end up getting an infestation of them before you know it.

  2. It is very possible she picked up one bug but unless it was a pregnant female or there are a pair they won't be able to reproduce. If there are no eggs present in your hair there is no need to start a full scale assault. I would say she has picked up the bug from school. It is the most common place to get them.

    I know you have already used RID but I strongly advise against using chemical products again. No chemical head lice treatment is legally allowed to be labeled as 'safe' as every insecticide is a poison. I have heard too many horror stories to not send you this warning.

    You are being a very good father by helping your daughter get rid of any head lice. There are many natural methods that effectively get rid of them and chemical products are an unnecessary risk to take.

    Feel free to read any of the articles at the following website for more information.

    Good Luck, I hope you do not have to deal with this problem again.

  3. I would have to believe it came from the school. In 3 weeks time, her head would have been infested with lice and eggs. Your entire family would probably be infected by now. With you only finding one, it is more probable that she got it passing by a student or sitting in a seat where an infested student had just left. I would call the school and inform them so they can let the rest of the parents know. Glad you caught it in time before it got really bad. Have to love these school days!! :)

  4. From her cousins... Use a nit comb thoroughly and you will find a bunch of nits and some live lice too...

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