
My daughter needs F.M system?

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for those who do not know what FM systems are, they are to be worn in classrooms for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. basically it helps them hear better if the class is loud or if the teacher has a quiet voice.

i just wanted to know if anyone knows any places where i can get a disablity plan or loan for these FM system because it's 1200 dollars and i also have to pay for her college education, residence and other major things including her 4 thousand dollar hearing aid




  1. maybe the school can provide some assistance?

  2. What state are you in?  I received assistance from DARS/TRC (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services/Texas Rehabilitation Commision) in order to purchase my personal set of hearing aids.  They also paid a portion of my books and fees while I was in college.  

    I would start by trying to contact your local chapter for DHHS (Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services).  There are several groups locally that provide assistance and resources for deaf and hard of hearing students and their families.

    The financial assistance counselor at her university or college might also have information.  There are also other groups like the Lions Club or LaSertoma Foundation that might offer some assistance if you wrote a letter or contacted  them.

  3. try vocational rehab-i heard they will pay for expenses to get a job-including assistive devices

  4. I am in Georgia and the Georgia Council for the Hearing impaired is a great resource

    maybe they could direct you to someone in your state that can help if you are not in georgia or you could do a search for deaf and hard of hearing resources. I understand how you feel, it's been a long road with my son. I also just started a yahoo group, maybe you could check us out.   hearingimpairedpositivepeopleorganizatio...

    (H.I.P.P.O) I truely hope you can get the help you and your daughter need. If you let me know your state I could try to find some help for you My email is if you need anything.

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