
My daughter needs contact lenses.Do many kids use them.How long can you keep them in?

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Do a lot of kids nowadays wear contact lenses?My 12 year old daughter needs glasses but she won't wear them so the doctor suggested contacts.Are they easy to use ?




  1. Yes lots of teens use them. I know because i am twelve also. But this is the deal. You can wear them for one day. Afterwords, You put them in a contact container, you can buy for about a dollar. But do not sleep in them. I could hurt your eyes. But besides that, she fine. Just is you trust her there is nothing to worry about!

  2. yes i've worn contacts since 1990 or somewhere around then. don't get the hard contacts they hurt, some doctors think its good because there so durable and they won't break. but its better to get the soft ones especially because its her first time. my mother had me get hard contacts i never went back to hard contacts, i get disposable contacts, your suppose to only wear them a week but you can make them last for months. it is more economical she just has to take good care of them. buy the enzyme tablets to make them last and disinfecting multi-purpose solution, i suggest buy the more expensive kind is does make a difference. Alcon Opti-Free is a good brand. don't worry about the soap that is good enough, with the enzyme tablets. she use those weekly, if she has long finger nails i'd have cut them until she gets used to it, oh and if she wears a lot of makeup make sure she takes out her contacts before she takes off her contacts, puts in her contacts before makeup.

    Complete Multi-Purpose Solution is another good brand. usually i flop to either one, you can coupons in the newspaper, go to Target or Walmart to get them cheaper. i hope all this info helps!

  3. it depends what type you get. there are ones that last until your eyes change what are good but don't let your eyes breath or you can get 24 hour ones what only last a day but if you get 24 hour ones you don't need to clean them you just put them in the bin and put a new pair in the next day. they come in a pack of  30 (thats 30 pairs) so get about 3 boxes. they are easy to use.

    hope that helps    :P  

  4. Very easy to use. She could put them in before she goes to school and take them out after. Or she can wait to take them out before she goes to bed. You cant sleep with them in though. Its not good for your eyes. It takes some time to learn how to put them in but her eye doctor will show her.

  5. Yes they are pretty easy to use. You put them on every morning and take them off evernight, or when your gonna shower, or swim, or anything else that has to do with water going through your eyes.  

  6. well. i wear them sometimes. i got them when i was 11. and im 13 now. but you can keep them in all day until you go to bed, then you must take them out. but put eyedrops in your eyes to keep them hydrated at least 4 times a day. They are easy to use when you get used to them.  :]

    hope this helps.

  7. I don't wear contact lenses cause my mom won't let me so i have to wear glasses... but a lot of kids use them. But I know that you're are NOT supposed to sleep with them in. I'm pretty sure  you can keep them in all day but not 100%.  

  8. I have seen children younger than your daughter wear contacts. She just has to commit to proper cleansing, of the lenses and her hands.

    Contacts would be the first thing in her routine in the morning. she would have to put them in before putting on any makeup and preferably after showering. she would have to clean her hands and make sure she doesnt have any lint from a towel on them. then she would squirt them with solution and put them in. thats not really hard. the doctor will teach her to go straight onto her pupil, but i cant ever touch my eye straight on. I look one way and put the contact on the white of my eye, then before i blink, then look back in the direction of the contact.

    If i can handle it, your daughter can handle it. and maybe she will get annoyed by them and want to wear glasses instead. sometimes i am just too lazy to put contacts in.

    depending on the contacts, they can be anything from one day disposables, to overnights, to 2 weeks. antyhing longer risks infection.

    a kid i went to boot camp with wore them the entire 6 weeks while he was there, and was finally caught the last week and got into trouble. but he had them constantly in for 6 weeks. i forget mine in and i wake up so blurry. what im trying to say is that even though they give you all these warnings about how long to keep them in for, it wont kill you if you mess up every once in a while. your daughter will be ok with contacts. theyre pretty easy

  9. They can be hard to put in for the first bit, but she will get used to it and then they will be very easy.

    How long you put them in for depends on the type she is getting. You will have to ask your eye specialist to see what they have to say about the brand.

    If your daughter has some irration you migh thave to switch brands. However alot of kids do wear contacts. Glasses arent considered stylish to many people and they can be a pain in the *** for active teenagers.  

  10. I got contacts when I was twelve (in 1985).  I loved having them--they were a big improvement over glasses!  They are easy to use.  Your doctor will probably go over the types that are available, what is best for your daughter, and how to put them in and care for them.  It only takes a minute or so to put them in in the morning, once you get used to it.  Cleaning is pretty quick too.

  11. yes u should try them out she should change them everyday!

  12. I was exactly the same. I would not wear my glasses, and I really needed to. When I was 16 I paid for them myself because mum wouldn't get them for me.

    She'll need to get them fitted professionally first by an optician, but you can order them much cheaper online than the prices the doctor give you.

    I get Acuvue Advance from $18.45/Box (6 Lenses/Box) from the following site.

    Best of luck!

  13. Contacts -- especially soft contacts -- are very easy to use and I think more and more kids are using them.  My son started using them 2 years ago (13), and he's never been happier.

    I would recommend daily wear because it keeps the contacts cleaner and extended-wear contacts have a higher incidence of corneal infections/ulcerations.

    Tell your daughter however that if she's going to wear them, she must be responsible.  They're NOT cheap and if she screws things up, she's going to have to go into arguments.

  14. i am 13 and have worn glasses full time for 2 years now,

    i am getting contact lenses soon because I do alot of sport but if i didn't need them i wouldn't have them

    it isn't good for kids wear them alot apparently

  15. You are going to let a 12 yr old decide if she will wear her glasses or not?  Man are you going to have big problems with her very soon!  I thought the parents decide things like that, not a 12 yr old?  I'd be damned if I'd let my kids get away with that!  You already spent the money on the glasses and you should MAKE her wear them.  When SHE can pay for contacts, THEN she can buy them!  BE THE PARENT!!

  16. My best friend Hana uses them shes 14 and she finds them really easy to use, she just cant go under water or sleep in them (:  x

  17. A lot of kids wear contact lenses. I have been wearing them since I was about 14. They are easy to use, you can't feel them, you can go into pools with them (just don't open your eyes). The only thing you shouldn't do is sleep with them in. I love having contacts and your daughter probably will too

  18. Ask your doctor.

  19. yes im 13 and i needeed them. They are easy to use once you get used to them, you just have to be careful with them.

  20. My sister didn;t start wearing contact until she was in highschool, until then she wore glasses. It just depends on which ones you get to how long they can be left in.

  21. you can leave them in all day but you have to tack them out at night so when she goes to go get them

    the guy/girl will tell you what to do

  22. I first got contact lenses during freshmen year of high school (now I've graduated and I'm still using them). They are very easy to use, it just takes a little bit of practice. There are different kinds of contacts: weekly, monthly, and I think longer lol.. I use the monthly ones, and they're pretty affordable =) You'd be surprised by how many teens and adults use them!

  23. They are easy to use.  I started wearing contacts when I was 13, I'm now 21.  The only time I ever had a problem with them was when I started birth control which had a side effect of dry eyes, which then made my contacts uncomfortable.  The doctor suggested a new brand and I haven't had problems since.  Lots of kids wear contacts and they are easy to use.  It may seem difficult to put them in the first couple of days but she'll get the hang of it and be a pro after the first week.  You can keep them in all day.  I put mine in first thing when I wake up and don't take them out until right before I go to sleep, so I usually wear them about 16-18 hours a day.  The hardest part for me when I first began wearing them was remembering to take them out before I went to bed.  If you think she is responsible enough to remember then I say go for it.  It's not the end of the world if she falls asleep with them in either, it's just not recommended.  Ask the doctor if they can give you a trial pair for her to try out for a week or two and if things go good then you can get them for her.

  24. yes they are easy to use.  Just make sure she follows the directions, keep hands clean before puting them on and taking them off, and don't leave them on for longer than recommended.

  25. Well, my 12 year old daughter just got contacts. (Along with one of her friends.) My daughter was the same way. Had to wear glasses but didn't want to. So we got her contacts. I would say they're easy to use. If you think your daughter is mature enough to have them I would get them. But it's up to you. They are very easy to use. It just takes time getting used to them. Before you now it she'll be a pro taking them in and out. In the beginning, she shouldn't keep them in very long. She should gradually increase the time with them in. Yes, also, never fall asleep with them in and never go in the pool with them in. I'm sure your doctor will explain more details if she does decide to get them.Hope I could help.


  26. yes my sister's been using them for quite a while now and i think its the best alternate to glasses. they are very easy to use. the doctor will help teach your daughter how to use it when you decide to get contacts.

  27. she needs to take care of them. take them out every night. a lot of kids i know in high school use them now-a-days but i don't know if a 12 year old is responsible enough for contacts? idk

  28. I am 14 and I've worn my contacts for a year now. I like them a lot.

    How long you wear them, how comfortable they are, if they are easy to use depends on the kind of contacts you get.

    I would really recommend soft lenses for your daughter. They are slightly more comfortable then the hard lenses. Hard lenses you only have one pair of and if you loose them you're screwed until you can buy another pair. With soft lenses you get a whole bunch of pairs at once.

    You can swim with lenses in if you keep your eyes closed, otherwise they will fall out. Most lenses you aren't supposed to sleep in, but I do anyway, haha.

    You can get her the daily lenses which you change everyday or you can get her ones that you can wear for weeks at a time.

    My favorite contact lens brand is Acuvue. You might want to try that one. Acuvue lenses are very comfortable and you can hardly tell you're wearing them most of the time.

    You should ask your optometrist which lenses he would recommend.

    Oh, and make sure she's comfortable with touching her eye because she'll have to do it a lot.

  29. I didn't get my contacts until I was fourteen but I promise they are life altering. It really depends on what brand you buy. I would recommend Acuvue Oasis, they are great contacts and they are tested for overnight wear. Other brands you have to take them out before you go to sleep [but i don't and my eyes are actually getting better]

  30. It takes a little time for her to get use to putting them in but other than that there should be no hassle.  I got my first pair at that age, 28 years ago,  before the disposable or gas permeable or colored or even soft.  They were "hard" meaning not soft and squishy and comfortable like the ones that are available today.  

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