
My daughter needs help With finishing her education. She has 72 hours of college credits towards a ?

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she also is married with 2 children is their any funding for child care and help towards her college degree.she is also willing to work part-time Is there any programs to help someone to enter in the teaching field.




  1. have her contact the financial aid progrom at the schools. My school will help you sign up for a loan reimbursement if you work so long in a poor town teaching.

  2. I would start with the State Department of Education to see if they have any programs - then the nearest college where she could find out what programs they might have.

    Every state and university is very different so depending on where you live there may be specific programs for example - if she is interested in higher math or science or teaching in a urban area, if she is a member of a group underrepresented in the teaching profession.  

    If she is looking to be an elementary education teacher - probably not too much.

    She should just start with a class or two in the evenings as she can afford it. If you wait around for a perfect opportunity, what will you do if the perfect opportunity never comes?

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