
My daughter needs help?

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she can never focus when studying for a test. she is in 7th grade and she will study for about two minutes then will get distracted. she doesnt realize it until a bit later. what is wrong here?




  1. It's called puberty...didn't you go through it?



  3. I have that problem as well and I'm almost 30.  If it's a subject that interests me I have no problem.  If I don't care for the subject I have a hard time getting through it.  Have her keep flashcards as she does her work.  If she has review questions, instead of only writing the answers to the questions have her write the question and the answer on index cards.  If she likes to use the computer have her type them out.  This way the information gets stored together.  I also cannot work in utter silence.  I have to have the radio on, background noise, otherwise I can't concentrate because then every little sound I hear I get distracted.  I have also learned over the years that I am a kinestetic learner.  I actually have to do, to learn, hence why writing everything down works for me.  I cannot just read something or listen to a lecture and retain the information.  Has she told you which method of learning works best for her?  If she's an auditory learner get her a tape recorder so she can record her questions and answers, then she can replay them over and over.

  4. hi well im in seventh grade to and mom tells me to study alot before i used to study at night and be up and not be able to sleep also im on a swim team and i hang out with my friends alot everyday  and now she tells me i cant leave the house until im done with homework and she double checks it to be sure i did it in the begining it was really hard now im very used to it and im on the honorole =]

  5. Actually I think she seems to be the type of person who just can't sit and focus on one thing. I'm like that too. Whenever I need to study for a test, I'd just sit down on the kitchen table and just recopy all the notes that I took in class... that usually helped. Or maybe she just needs some music while reading over her notes. You should also try sitting down with her and studying with her (if you don't do that already) because studying is always more fun with someone else around to help out. :)

  6. She sounds like a typical teen. I'm an adult and easily get distracted/procrastinate when it comes to doing something I really do not want to do.

    Most teachers give advanced notice of tests. She may be the kind of person that need to study for shorter periods of time over a few days.

    When I was in school I used to study for 20 minutes, and then stop and watch tv, use the computer, etc for 40 min. I would do this about three/four days before a test. I would begin studying at around 3:00 and go until bed. When the time was added up it averaged around 2.5 hours a day for three or four days(which is more than most kids cram into last minute studying). 20 minutes does not see like that much time when you know that after you can stop and relax for 40 min. Some kids just get overwhelmed by thinking they have to buckle down and study for a few hours.

  7. She is bored and probably studying in the traditional manner...reading the book, studying the notes.  Frankly if I did that I couldn't get past the first page.

    Look at your local book store, library or even on th Internet for some better as well as more fun and interactive ways to study.

  8. or just make the whole house quiet like no tv and if u already do that then ya have like sum background music but none with words cuz shell try to sing them or something if it really gets bad you could ask a doctor if she has some kind of disorder...or you could try to give her rewards for good grades to give her something to look forward to!

  9. You can try to have music in the background.  Something that is soothing for her.  Just enough to block out the other noises around her, like classical music or jazz maybe.

  10. That's perfectly normal. I used to do the same thing. Have her sit at the kitchen table and let her listen to an iPod or some kind of music while the rest of the family is quiet. That's what I do....

    Good luck to you and your daughter!

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