
My daughter of 11 1/2 months old

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what is the best way to stop my daughter of 11 1/2 months old to stop using the pacifier? She always has been pulling her hair( not sure why she is doing that), why is she pulling her hair? and she doesn't eat as much regular food, instead she prefer to have the bottle, how can i introduce new foods to her, and plus i wic will be changing for her to start getting regular milk and other stuff, what can i do to help have more regular foods and start giving her regular milk to?She also has her 1 year check up coming up soon, what should i know about the tests that she will get?




  1. hair pulling...possible ear infection. ask how to do all of this at her one year check up.

  2. don't give her the pacifer anymore-

    also entertain her with something else educational like a book or a puzzle when she cries because she can't have her pacifer!

    you could also take your daughter to the pedetrician she goes too-

    for advice on how to stop your daughter from sucking on her pacifier- how to raise her- to eat the right foods- etc-

    i used to work in a daycare-

    i would either make the food on the spoon fly like it was an airplane in his or her mouth- things like that-

    it usually worked!

  3. I would start now by slowly mixing the formula and whole milk.  Start with a 4th of the bottle being wole milk, and gradually increase until its just whole milk.  That should work just fine.  

    The pacifier needs to be trashed!  just take it now, or one day you will be taking it from your grown 2 yr old like i had to.. im sure its easier when they cant talk to you yet :)

  4. take the pacifier and limit the bottle get her a sippy cup maybe two its not healthy for a two one year old to be on a liquid diet as long as your daughter does not have any mental issues her body wont allow her to starve when she cries for the bottle offer her food and the sippy cup also its time for her first dentist app. at her 1 year check up she'll get shots you'll get lectures about the bottle and pacifier

  5. Sounds like my son lol.  It's normal she is pulling her hair.  Mine does that sometimes and he also went through a phase of slapping himself in the face.  They just learn how to do something and are happy they can.  Start with limiting the pacifer to only nights and only when she really needs it and slowly phase it out.

    With my son, he loves the bottle too and wont eat solids, although he used to love solids.  So I just always have a healthy snack handy and give him a few nibbles often times all day.  He will only take a couple nibbles so I have to take advantage of that.  Those couple nibbles if given frequently enough during the day should be sufficient.

    As for the milk, some babies do just fine going from formula to milk, and some need to mix it.  If your baby never had any problems with formula, then just try going straight to milk and see how she does.  If you see she has problems, then mix it half and half and slowly decrease the formula amount mixed in.

    At one year, I believe that is the iron test.  I know they do lead and iron at 9 and 12 month and I cant remember which is which.  Either way they will poke her finger and take a drop of blood.

  6. Well she will probably need more vaccinations at 12 months. She's probably pulling at her because it comforts her, my daughter does the same thing. I've read several different things on when to break away from the pacifier. I've read as early as 3 months, and as late as 2 years. Our pediatrician suggests first breaking the bottle habit, then shortly after that, start breaking the pacifier habit. She suggests just simply getting rid of the pacifier cold turkey. She can be eating basically whatever you're eating, as long as it's cut up in little pieces. So try to eat healthy meals and let her eat off of your plate.  

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