
My daughter only showers ones a week and sometimes every two weeks, Is this bad?

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My daughter only showers ones a week and sometimes every two weeks, Is this bad?




  1. omg yes. over time she could develop acne in places other than her face. body live, things like that. im sure you crack the whip about eating fruits and vegs why not how often she takes a shower. its not a personal choice its a matter of health and hygiene

  2. uh yea somebody is neglecting her

  3. Uhm, yes.  Hygeine is a good practice and the more you practice the less chance you have of getting sick, smelling, being teased and other medical things.  That's just gross.

  4. yes. younger kids can get away w/ showering every other day, but once you hit puberty you should shower everyday.

  5. That is not good hygein. She should be bathing every other day if not everyday. She could end up with infection down there. You should be making her take a shower 3-4 times a week. How old is she? You are the mom. I wouldnt let my daughter go that long w/o a shower. Would you go that long w/o showering???????????

  6. kinda, if she smells thn yuss but she must be lazy lol

  7. Yes. How old is she?

    Make her take a shower more often. At least twice a week.

    It sounds like she is just lazy. I can relate.

  8. LOL, She sounds like the perfect match for our son! I wouldn't worry too much unless she is starting to smell bad. We have to hound our son to get in the shower. He developed an aversion to water in his teen years. I know it's frustrating, but it will more than likely change quickly once she finds boys more attractive or her peers tell her she stinks! And look at it this the words of my son, "I'm conserving water!"

  9. I thought I smell a rat.

  10. no matter what age, personnal hygeine is important. kids that are over 5 actually can smell from presperation too.after being in school all day, doing extra curricular actiivities, being outside, etc,etc, she should be showering ATLEAST  every three days!!! not to mention , lice, diseases, rashes, etc. can occur from lack of bathing.

  11. How old is she? Mind you, I would say that a week is rather a long time to go between showers regardless of how old she is.

  12. My cousin went through a phase like this when she was 12, but now at age 15 she showers daily.  I think 2 weeks is way too long, but 1 week might be ok - I mean that is how often many of our parents were bathed as children right?  If she is getting made fun of at school though, this could really hurt her self-esteem, so you may want to intervene and tell her she needs to bath more often.

  13. uh its kinda gross, doesnt she smell?

  14. Really, I don't believe it will make her more prone to infections, probably the opposite, her immunity would be stronger.  I would try to have a good chat about how the body sheds its skin, if this doesn't work get into more detail about parasites yuk.  Once informed I am sure like the rest of us she will want to shower more often.

  15. Yuk!!!!!! How old is she? Thats nasty!

  16. It shows poor hygine just have her take a bath every other day  so she doesn't smell and so her hair is not oily. It will also keep her skin healthy.

  17. yeah.

    well her hair and body will get all oily which could cause odor and infections.

    shower her.

  18. only if she smells lol

  19. umm.. a week or two is a bit of a stretch. but i can see three days or so, when she is just staying at home.

    but heck, its up to her. she'll probably get mad if you try to tell her what to do for that kind of thing.

    it's probably a phase that she'll grow out of. if not...that's just her. lol.

  20. You don't say how old she is.

    A lot of pre-teens of both sexes sometimes come to a point where bathing is not important....they have too many other things to do.

    Even if she doesn't want to.....I would make her.

  21. Its probably a phase. I went through it too. Straight after that phase its the have to shower before going anywhere phase. Dont worry about it.

  22. It can be, as far as making herself more open to infections.

  23. yea u need to teach her some good hygiene!

  24. Wow, how old is she??? kids need to take a bath every day or night. try helping her on taking care of her hygene.

  25. yeah, have her shower every other day even though every day is best

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