
My daughter picked up a phrase from daycare and wont stop saying it?

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and the word of the week is....(drumroll please)........"d*mnit!"

She started saying this last week when i picked her up from daycare. Ive tried ignoring her since she doesnt know what shes saying anyways. didnt work, tried explaining it to her...she thinks it funny. I told her next time she will get soap in her mouth! What should i do???




  1. Whenever my son says something I don't care for I just tell him "we don't say those words"  I usually get down on his level to tell him this.  Then I tell him that it is not a nice word and it hurts people.  He usually stops saying the word cause he doesn't want to be mean.

  2. She is 2 1/2 years old. she doesn't understand you're explanation of the word.  All she knows is that she hears it a lot.  Before you go for the soap you might want to know that CPS considers soap in the mouth as child abuse and if your child should happen to say something in day care about it they will have to call CPS because they have to report every count of abuse by law.  She laughs at spankings because she knows she has pushed your buttons and has caused you to become frustrated.  Ha Ha, she got the better of you.  You have taught her how to get to you so of course she is going to laugh at you.  And of course she doesn't like time outs, So keep putting her in time.  It works.  

  3. Uh, the next time put soap in her mouth.


    And remember, a little dab will do ya.

    And you may not even have to go through with it.  This happened with both my boys and by golly, I pulled their little tushes into the bathroom, furious as all helk, but the simple act of getting out the washcloth and the soap was all it took.

  4. Than stick to putting her in the corner. Do what she hates. And when she wants to get out of the corner, ask her, "Will you stop with that word?" She is a little young but hopefully after a little while she will understand: Saying that word= sitting in the corner, and she won't want to say it anymore.

  5. Don't make a big deal out of it, especially since she thinks it's funny.  What she thinks is funny is the reaction she is getting out of people.  I would completely ignore it and try to come up with a phrase that sounds like it, "Sammich!" or a made up word that she might think is equally as funny and find a funny time to say it.  My son has gone through phases of saying 'G*d Dam*it' , sh*t, stupid, idiot, other things he hears and we just ignored it and it went away.  Find other funny things to say that you can give a big funny reaction to.  We say, (don't ask how this came about) 'Schneeken-Schnoken' and laugh when we say it because it is funny.  Something like that might work.

  6. Tell her if you hear her say that again she will have to get a time-out. I did the same thing when I was little. I said the f word around my grandmother at around 4. She has to learn that there are some words that are alright to say and some things are not. She will grow out of that phase eventually.

  7. just say "little girls dont use words like that" continue to ignore it and it will go away.

    putting soap in a childs mouth is considered abuse as it is poisoning the child please dont do it

  8. Put soap in her mouth. I did it with my son and he never said bad words again. If she hates going in the corner, put her in the corner. Just don't give up. Consistency is the key

    And you probably need to talk to the daycare to find out why she even heard this word there. They should know better and watch their language around little kids.

  9. Explain to her that only bad girls say that word, and tell her bad girls get in big trouble and explain to her that being a bad girl has many consequences. tell her people will not like her if she uses that word, then she will probablly stop because everyone want to be liked.

        Make sure she understands that she shouldnt use a term just because everyone else says it. Tell her it is good to be different and if she "follows the crowd" language wise, she will just be a boring person.

      However she is only 2.5,so you need to explain all of that to her in a simple form here is a little idea. " Sweetie, that word is not a good word and i dont like you when you say bad words. You need to listen to me. Do not say everything you hear at school/ daycare. You need to be different then those bad kids who are saying that. Bad kids only get into trouble and more trouble. Now do you want that?"

      use that dialogue after you put the soap in her mouth just so hse understands why. But yes i am a huge supporter with the whole soap in the mouth idea. It trully works.

    Best of Luck

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