
My daughter poops in her pants!?

by  |  earlier

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Ma little girl turns 5 in 3 months and she is a hard kid, espesialy when it comes to toilat trayning. I've threetenad to put her back in diypers but this dont seem to bother her.

Her main problem is pooping she'll hold it for days, resently she held it in for four days and ended up crowching on the floor screeming. a few times she has taken her pants off and pooped on the carpet or in her bed. Ma husbend and i are at are wits ends.

we was gonna take her to the nurse but she wont comunikate. worse still she poops at school and once a had to colect her cos she had diarhoea in her pants. a have five older kidz. but none of them have had sush problems. plz HELP!




  1. some children are scared of going and will hold it in till they phisically cant hold it anymore!

  2. You will find yourself surprised that many children suffer this problem.

    It is quite common and will sort itself out. Talk to a family Dr. of pediatrician.

    If you spank or punish her you will just make the problem worse.

    Pooping is like pushing out something from your body and loads of children are intimidating by the feeling of losing part of themselves.

    Relax and she will get better. Talk nicely about it with her every time she does it.

    I know it frustrates you to clean it up but do it.

  3. I don't mean to sound weird or rude or say anything that might come across wrong but.......maybe she just doesn't like it? Tell her that everyone does it. That everyone needs to do it and there's nothing wrong with it. Or bring her to ur pediatrician. Good luck xx

  4. |Southern comfort is correct.....many kids so have that problem....its called encopresis if you want to google it to see if thats what you think it is,.....yes dont get upset or punish....just see your doctor for it.  i hope this helps you.

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