
My daughter sleeps twice during day. when will she sleep only once for 2-3 hrs in afternoon & then by 9or10p.m

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she gets up around 7:30a.m. Then she sleeps at 11a.m.& gets up at 12.30 or 1p.m. Again she sleeps at 3p.m.&getsup at 4:30p.m. At night i try to make her sleep by 10p.m. but my in-laws try to keep her awake more or if she sleeps tries to make noise & wake her up to play.There's nothing i can do about it. pl. do tell me if it will affect her health a lot when she grows or these matters will be automatically fixed up as she grows




  1. she could feel boring or if she is young this is normal. sleeping help here memory to be stronger

  2. Even we do the same thing - play with my brother's daughter till 12 in the night, but she doesn't sleep so much. Need not worry everything will be OK as she grows.


  3. You need to merge the am and pm naps. She should sleep at 12:30 or 1 until 2:30 or 3. That's how she'll sleep only once for 2 hours. Put a box fan or white noise machine in her room so she doesn't hear them making noise and tell them that they need to stop making noise, as they're affecting her development. With the merging of the naps (it'll take a week or so), she should be in bed for the night around 8 pm, not 9 or 10. It will affect her health if she's constantly awakened at night. It's important to start healthy sleep habits at a young age. By 10-12 mos, 95% of babies are down to 1 nap per day. Now is the time you can shift the nap over. The first few days will be rough, as you'll have to be at home so you can keep her up that extra hour and a half while she's cranky. Good luck!

  4. My daughter didn't go to one nap a day until she was 13 mos old.  She had pretty much the same schedule as yours but she was down for the night by about 9:00.  Each child is different in the amount of sleep they require.  It depends on how active they are among other things.  It was really tough for about 2 weeks when we combined her two naps into one and that one nap was about 31/2 to 4 hours long.  It is now down to about 2 to 21/2 hours long.  The older they get, the less sleep they require.  I'd follow her lead.  When one of her naps starts getting to be only about an hour long, that's when I'd try to merge the 2 naps together.

    I would strongly discourage others from trying to keep her up for too long at night or waking her in the night.  This will disrupt her natural circadian rhythm and could cause sleep disorders and health problems.  If you want her to only have one nap now, I'd try to keep her up during the day not at night.

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