
My daughter still sleeps in our bed!

by  |  earlier

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My daughter (almost 2) refuses to sleep in her own bed. I have tried everything. I put up a kiddie gate and let her cry till she falls asleep, I put her to sleep holding her then lay her in bed, I even let her fall asleep in our bed and then move her, and have tried the nanny 911 method of putting her back over and over and not speaking when i take her back. All that happens is I am exhausted. Any tips?




  1. just let her! its totally normal. most kids start sleeping in their own bed around 4 and 5. seriously, letting her cry will s***w her up. i know some people ;-)

  2. my son slept in my bed until he was 5. mainly because i didn't mind and it was just us. now my daughter is slowly moving from my bed to her own. heres what you do. first get her to go to sleep by herself in your bed. this took me about two months. she cried for an hour and came out 3000 times for the first two weeks or so and it was hard. but, then i would go to bed when she was asleep. next, after mastering falling asleep by herself, i let her sleep all night by herself. i had to give up my bed for a couple of weeks but she will sleep alone now. i am active duty military and we are getting ready to move so right now she is still in my bed. i want to wait until she has a room of her own to put her in her own bed so she doesn't have to transition twice. anyway, that's how i did it and good luck with your little one.

  3. Well, here is the first point of my answer that will get thumbs down... I am AGAINST co-sleeping.  After my daughter was born, she was in a basonet on my side of the bed RIGHT beside me.  At the 5 day check up the dr told me to get her the heck out of our room because I wasn't getting any rest.  Best advice EVER!!  She has been in her own bed in her own room ever since and we have NO troubles at bed time (she's 3 now).  You need to choose one method that will fit you best and STICK WITH IT!!  Letting her cry will not s***w her up.  Giving in to her and letting her back in your bed WILL.  She needs to learn, making her sleep in her own bed teaches her many things -- independence, a sense of security in her OWN space, mom and dad's bed is just that -- MOM and DADS BED -- not a communal sleeping place, she's growing up.  One method I seen (can't remember where) is, you put her to bed and sit in a chair next to the bed until she falls asleep.  The next night you move the chair a little farther away from the bed and sit there until she falls asleep.  Keep this process up until you've made it out of the room..... you may still have to sit in the chair outside the room where she can see you for a few nights.  You don't say anything, just you being there should be enough.  If she cries, let her cry.... DON'T pick her up and DON'T give in.  You will get exhausted, but the payoff in the end will be worth it!  I wish you much luck as you are going to need it.  Just remember.... with kids CONSISTENCY is key!!

  4. She has you wrapped around her little finger. You simply HAVE to be firm and not give in - not even a little.  It may take a month, but IF you are consistent in simply putting her in her own bed every time, she will eventually get used to sleeping in her bed alone.  Yes, you will have a rough time of it until she's finally given up.  But as you well know, you did this to yourself by allowing her to sleep with you to begin with.  Deal with it, mother: the status quo is not acceptable.

  5. Stick with one method.  It will get easier over time.

  6. if baby scared you should try putting her to bed in your room but in her very own bed, put her to bed before anyone else is alseep in that room and once to bed dont let her back up or on your bed  this gets her adjusted to sleeping on her own but in a familiar space. have a bedtime routine, and once started DONT change it at all, think it out before you start and dont give in. then take baby steps she should nap in the same place with a nap routine as well. then take baby seps from there once its habit for her to sleep on her own in your room then change bedtime routine to her room and lay her down in your room then after a week of this put her bed in her room.  etc.

    also you should spend alot of time Wtih her in her room so this becomes a familiar place to her.

  7. If you just keep pushing the issue all you will do is upset her and yourself. Let her be for a bit and try again in a few weeks. Use bribes. Make a sticker chart about how many nights she sleeps in her bed. Let her pick out new sheets for her bed. Make it special. But for now, just drop it.

  8. When I was little, my parents got a divorce, when I was 2 to be exact. Of course, this messed up the whole "routine" of sleeping. I slept in my moms bed from then till i was around ten. I would go to sleep in my bed, but in the morning I would always be in her bed. Eventually when I was 4 my mom forced me to stay in my bed. I was so scared of everything that could possibly happen. You need to be careful with what you do to your daughter. Leaving her in a dark room to cry may not "s***w her up" but it could scare her alot, which is just mean. You definetly dont want her to turn into what I was. I was scared of rain in the car and cry hysterically, the fan was gonna fall on my feet, my dolls would come alive, rain on my roof would collapse it, lightening would strike a tree and fall through my ceiling, robbing my mom while I was asleep, everything basically around me. I started going in the middle of the night so she couldnt say no, and she would let me becuase I wouldnt sleep at all otherwise. Make her feel comfortable so she doesnt get too scared.  Of course Im fine now, so go ahead and let her sleep w you if it doesnt bother you, but dont terrorize her over it. It can lead to things you wouldnt think.

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