
My daughter told her teach to F.U.?

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We go to a church where we were recently talking about bad language. The pastor had an idea which was to use the initial f.u., but it means "Forget I said it, U-are the boss." So, now at home when she is mad at me for telling her to clean her room, she says FU, which means she knows that I am the boss. Well at school, she was drawing on her desk instead of doing math. Her teacher told her to stop and she got up and said FU because she knows the teach is the boss. The teacher sent her to the office and she told the principal FU too. Now they want to suspend her even though I had all of her house mothers (Mother Anne, Mother Lisa and Mother Susan) come in and explain that she was just trying to carrying on the teaching of the higher one in our church. How can I solve this?




  1. Really getting expelled for writing F.U. and even having someone come itno the school and explain what the child really meant would be wrong for the school to do this in the first place. If you can't get anywhere with the principal go to the board and let them know what is going on. More than likely they will excuse this as a simple missunderstanding. I would also have your child talk to the teacher and principal and appoligize for doing it.

  2. Ask them to stop teaching that in Church! I'd never allow my child to stay that, I don't care what alternate meaning its given. To the world at large its a curse word. In your position I'd be asking the pastor to stop teaching that (with your child as an example of how it went wrong). She's just gonna have to do the time for this one.

  3. I would first try talking with your daughter an ask her why she does not have respect for her teachers and then ask her if she believes in God and respects him or if she has a problem with the Christian belief .

    Try to understand the root of the problem first before finding a solution or punishment .

  4. You can change churches for one thing LOL Honestly the whole F.U. with the new meaning is the most ridiculous stupid thing I've ever heard for obvious reasons.

  5. I have to admit that this story made me giggle!   It is kind of funny that your daughter said something very innocently that was taken......well, the way ANYONE would have taken it if they heard it!

    You need to go and explain to the teacher YOURSELF the reason for your daughter's comment to the teacher.  Then, you need to tell your daughter that the "F.U." must stay at home or in church, and not in school, because people there might not understand it.

  6. Hello dean? you're a stupid head!

    Homer is that you?


    /Well, at least your pastor isn't a child molester so look on the bright side ;)

  7. she must have heard that word some place. who does she hang out with? you know, kids will listen to other kids before they will their parents.

  8. I would switch churches thats just weird to tell a kid to say surely you had to know it would come out in school. The kid shouldnt be saying F.U. What do you think people will say???

  9. Is this a joke?  Seriously, if you teach your child something like that, you shouldn't be surprised if they use it outside of the house and offend others.  how is anyone else supposed to know your 'inside' language.  God people can be stupid!

  10. Suspension is a bit harsh for  grade school. Especially if several parents came to her defense. You should tell her to stop immediately cuz in the outside world (other than church) this is not acceptable. May be you could bring this to the attention of your pastor, if he's a good one then he'll make a few changes to his teachings. We are all learning from minute to minute whether we're pastors, teachers, students, parents, and especially kids....

  11. I think the pastor has quite a stupid idea!!!

    come one now, I mean that was riduculous

  12. That was stupid

  13. you can solve this by teaching your child to be quiet and behave.  The issue here isn't  FU or what it meant, the issue is your child was misbehaving, and then stood up to make a spectacle and sass back at the teacher.  

    And another way you can help your child is to stop stretching excuses for your kid.... in the real world it aint gonna fly.

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