
My daughter turned one years old 2 weeks ago, I can't get her to drink milk-either out of a bottle or sippy..

by Guest58185  |  earlier

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any tips??? And yes, she will drink formula, diluted apple juice, just no regular milk..




  1. Try warming it up. It might be it is too cold.

  2. It is perfectly safe to mix formula and milk. Start with 3/4 formula and 1/4 milk for a week. 1/2 of each for a week. 1/4 formula and 3/4 milk for a week. Then milk only.

  3. ok what my mom used to do is wait until i get hungary and then give me milk...since i was hungary i always drank it....i hated milk when i was younger....

  4. Start mixing in milk with the formula and keep increasing the amount of milk you mix in til it's all milk.  She will adjust better slowly

  5. Well I would mix formula and the milk together.  Make sure you're giving her whole milk too.  Good luck!

  6. have u tried chocolate milk...thats what my aunt does and did and her kids are hooked and its easy to switch to milk and even pink 2nd cousin L<3VES pink milk and just show your daughter that u put in the chocalate milk then she will watch u put it into the sippy

  7. Dilute formula: 3 parts formula/1 part mik. Do this for a few days, then 1/2 formula/ 1/2 mik, for a few days. Then 3 parts milk/1 part formula for a few days and after that she should take all milk without any problem.

  8. start bymaking 6 oz of formula then add 2 oz of milk, every couple of days reduce the amount of formula and add more milk.  Also if your daughter is used to warm formula the cold milk may be a bit of a shock.  Try making the formula a little hotter than normal then add the milk it will cool the formula down and get her used to the milk at the same time.  I hope this helps good luck!

  9. my son tried that same thing so i bought  ovaltine its better than nesquik or hersheys syrup dont put alot just enough to change the taste a little and he loved it give it a try...

  10. one thing i noticed with my newly one year old, is she wouldn't drink the milk if it was cold. i'm pretty sure its because we always used warm water for her formula. so pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds or so, and give that a try.  

  11. Start out by mixing the milk 1/4 milk to 3/4 parts formula, then after a few days mix it half and half etc until she is just drinking  milk with no formula in it.

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