
My daughter wants her ears pierced?

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OK my daughter is 3 years old and begging to have her ears pierced. is she to young to get her ears pierced. i want to get them pierced but i just don't know. some advice would be greatly appreciated




  1. When will your child turn 4?  If it's before Christmas, I saw weight and make it special for her birthday.  Otherwise, I'd get her ears pierced for St. Nick's day (Dec 6th) so that she can have them for Christmas.  

  2. well its really up to you.

    but if you decide to then make sure to get it done at the same time, my daughter's got there's done when they were seven.

  3. I would wait.  It is a lot of work to keep them from getting infected.  Buy her some small stickers to wear on her ears.

  4. Get her some clip ons, and if she can go 2 weeks without pulling them out, or pulling on them, or playing with them, let her get them, the only big worry is that she'll end up hurting her ear and/or possibly rip them out. You could also worry about infection, but medicine will clear fairly soon and you'll know to not do it again for a while.  

  5. I have used ear piercing to get something I want too, something behavior-wise.  So my when my oldest started asking for it, I told her she had to quick sucking her thumb.  She did it and the ear piercing was her reward.  

    Now my 4 year old is doing the same thing about wanting them and I am using the start of the school year since she has trouble separating.  I figure if we pierce her ears and then she starts school it will give her something to look forward to ...

    I would say if you don't mind it, then do it.  

  6. I let my girls get theirs done when they were 3 and 4. The oldest had been asking since she could talk to get them done! They did really well, there were a few tears at the mall right after, but a sucker and a sticker made it all better. As long as you are willing to put out the money for the expensive earrings and clean and change them regularly, I would say go for it.  

  7. I know some people are going to think I'm nuts.... but some people pierce their babies ears... so what's the difference?

  8. Actually, I was 11 months old when i got my ears pierced its better to get the pain over with.

  9. i think u should let her get them pierced. she may feel like she is a "big girl" now. as long as u think she is ready

    i got my ears pierced when i was 3  months

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