
My daughter wants to change her last name?

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My 15 year old daughter wants to change her last name to mine, instead of her dad's, and he's ok with it. We live in Virginia - where do I begin? Who in the court system do I contact first?




  1. Go to your local county courthouse - tell the person at the info desk what you want to do and he/she will point you to the right office and $35 later wallah change.

  2. contact a lawyer and he will know what to do mi dads a lawyer and he changes names all the time!!!! but we live in georgia

  3. I'd say that it mostly takes place in the church to change your last name and then it will go to court. Sorry if that's the wrong answer but that's what i heard.

  4. yes i would contact a lawyer, my friend got her first name changed and her mom had a bunch of papers from the school and the lawyer to sign....i want to change my last name to williams but im only in kindergarten so..

  5. Previous answerers are correct; it varies from state to state.  Start at your local county courthouse and ask.  It's generally a simple procedure, but you'll almost assuredly need your daughter's father to file an affidavit that this change is, indeed, okay by him.

  6. You can ignore many of the answers you've already received, because the procedure for changing your name varies greatly from one state to another. You'd have to check with someone in your county courthouse to find out exactly what you need to do.

    Here, for example, is the procedure to follow if you happen to live in Fairfax County:

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