
My daughter wants to change her last name to her step-fathers last name. She is 32. Can she?

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Her bio-father has never been in her life and she wants to drop his name. Is this possible. We are in full agreement.




  1. Anyone can change their name for any yeah! And good for her!

  2. Yup, she can do it.  Just go down to the courthouse and ask them how.  Once she gets the documents from them she can take them to the DMV and Social security office and have it changed there.

  3. Yes, she can. She must change her name in court.

  4. Of course.  But changing your legal name can be tedious as you have to make the necessary announcements and such.

  5. yeah she's 32 it can be legally done in court u hav 2 pay and wait a few weeks... i can understand why

  6. She can do any thing she wants, she just has to pay to do it. You can have a name change any time you wish. It can be Wonder Women legally if she likes. She needs to go online and look up how to legally petition the court, a judge approves it , she pays and its done. Then she has to change every paper she has. License, Social Security, bank accounts, etc.

    Its a pain I think but if it makes her happy it will be with it. Is she never going to marry? if she gets married she can use her DH's name if she likes.

    Good luck

  7. Yeah she can change it, it's just going to cost you some money.

  8. Since she is an adult.....she can change her name to whatever she wants it to be. I think she has to go to the Social Security Office to get the proper forms and go from there.

  9. yes but i no for children that you have to have the permission of the farther to change the name but im not quite sure how it works with adults....sorry i couldnt be of much help

  10. Yes, but would it really matter, it sounds if she has some issues about her father that need to be resolved. Maybe a professional would help her talk things out.

  11. Yes, she most certainly can.  She's over 18, and so can change her name to whatever she wants.  It also shouldn't cost her much.  Usually, all a person has to do is fill out a name change form, and it usually costs less than $100.

    Kudos to her and your husband; it sounds like he was a REAL dad to her, and she's grateful for it.  Good luck to you all.

  12. To change your last name is pretty simple.  Go to the Courthouse in your county and fill out the paperwork.  It costs $250 in the area I live and is approved in roughly 3 weeks.  After your name has been changed legally, change at all places your sir name appears. Enjoy!

  13. Yes it is. Look in the blue pages of your local telephone book for Name Changes. There should be a number there and they can mail an application to change her name. The application will ask why she wants to change her name, and ask what she wants to change it to and ask what she has changed her name to in the past, if any and to provide proof, of possible. She will have to forfeit any pieces of ID with her current name, such as a passport, birth certificate, Social Insurance Card, etc. The process, if approved, should take approximately 44 weeks, and if approved, she will receive a letter that she was approved, and she will receive all her ID back, with her new name on it. I'm not sure how much it will cost where you are, but here in Ontario, it costs $137.

  14. she  could chane her  last name. and besides, she 32

  15. Yes of course she can however at the age of 32 it must be done , and easily but it will cost as legal documents must be security number name and all of that.....but in answer to your question...of course!!!



  16. yes, you can legally change your name at any age.

  17. Yes, she absolutely can, however, changing her name is not the same as her step father adopting her.

    Adoption comes with certain legal responsibilities and rights. If you are interested in her future inheritance rights, then adoption (and yes, even at 32 years old) must be pursued in addition to a name change.

    Since she and her step father are both consenting adults,

    (and even if you disagreed, which you probably don't) an adoption should not be difficult process.

    Then her name on her birth certificate cannot only be changed, but so can her father if he adopts her.It's probably not just a matter of going to the courthouse to get it changed, though. There usually has to be a court order that directs the Department of Vital Statistics (or like entity) to change it.

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