
My daughter wants to come live with me...?

by  |  earlier

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she is 15. she lives in mass. with her dad. i moved to california. dad hasn't taken her to the dentist in like 2 years. he doesn't get her the things she needs. most of the time she eats alone and there's not alot of food in the house. she is more at home here with me. how can i get dad to let her come live with me?




  1. calmly and rationally talk to her dad and say you think things would be best if she lived with you. If this doesn't work, get social services involved.

  2. Was there a custody agreement, or did you guys just agree to do this? If there is no custody agreement with the courts you would have to go to MAss. and file for custody if the father does not agree to let her live with you. It really depends on your situation and the reason she is living with her father in the first place.  

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