
My daughter wants to come off risperdal (for anxiety). she would like to try for a baby. what could she take .

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that is natural.and also help her when she gets anxious and not harm baby.




  1. Please check everything about Xango Juice.  It´s made of mangosteen fruit  which  has amazing  and unique therapeutic properties  with zero side effects.  Please find out about it at  for medical information.   Also at you will find all the information about the fruit and the science behind it.  Also testimonial from people.   You have this now at U..K    it´s really effective.

  2. If your daughter is taking risperdal it means she is under the supervision of a psychiatrist, whom you should defer to before going off any type of medication.

  3. I was on tablets for anxiety and wanted to become pregnant so I went for the natural approach. Your daughter will probably get a prescription for folic acid but I found the following useful. B vitamins - Biotin, niacin (100mg per day), thiamine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, B6 (100mg per day), B12, folic acid are all important for the production of the key chemical messengers in the brain called neurotransmitters. Thiamine is very important for those prone to panic, anxiety and depression. Every time you become angry, cry or feel run down - you are burning thiamine. A daily B-Complex (50 to 100mg per day) supplement is a great way of getting the B vitamins your body needs.

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