
My daughter wants to know if she can go to the movies with her boyfriend?

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my daughter is asking me if she can go to the movies sometime with her boyfriend and his mom??? what should i say??? and should i talk to his mom first???




  1. Ok if you dont mind me asking what is your daughters age?

    If she's 10-13 I'd talk with the parent, atleast it will be supervised.

    If your daughters any older let her go, by this time she should know right from wrong, and you should be able to trust her to make the right decisions.

    Just make sure you let her know you care about what she does and set a curfew :)

  2. Well i would talk to his mom. But if you trust your daughter then let her go. Or maybe you could go too. But it is your daughter not ours so if you think you have raised her well enough you can decide.

  3. Depends on how old your daughter is and how mature for her age you feel she is

  4. Don't let these idiots on  yahoo answer raise your children. You also mention nothing about your daugher, her age, is she a good kid, is she responsible/trustworthy. It's scary taht your a parent.

  5. Um, and his mom? Does his mom know they are boyfriend and girlfriend??? Ya I think you should talk to his mom. She might just be telling you that his mom is going so that you will let her go!

  6. Trust her. Besides, she's going with her boyfriends' mom. Calm down.

  7. Yes, talk to his mom AND him first (duh).. and not over the phone.  Set guidelines for your daughter, such as telling her when she must be back home, to call you if she goes anywhere else, what movies she's allowed to see, etc.  If your daughter is old enough to have a bf, then you have to trust her to make good decisions.  But take every precaution you can.  You should even try going with them on their first time to the movies (what?!  HIS mom is going, isn't she?) & then gradually backing down.  Either way, it's YOUR decision, not anyone else's.  Hope this helps!! =D

  8. LOL, wow.... well if this helps, my 15 year old niece is 6 months pregnant and my idiot sister started letting her date when she was 11. You need to talk to this mom, because she is probably making it up.

  9. well, First make sure the mom is going, because when I was fourteen......a lot of my first experiences were done in a movie theater.....but if the mom is there you'll probably have nothing to worry about. but then again i wouldn't be the nature and responsible person I am today if not for some of my immature experiences!!

  10. well depending on your daughter she is either being honest or calling ur bluff

    i you feel as though u can trust her let her go trust me if you allow her to get out she will be much more trusting and honest later if u allow her to have fun she wont try to rbel dont give her the oppertunity to decieve u. trust her untill she proves she cant be trusted give her enough rope to hang herself with

    give her freedom now she will be easier to deal with later

    if u  cant trust her call her bluff and try to meet his mother

  11. How old is she? You should meet and talk with his mom because you shouldn't send your daughter off with an adult you've never met and you should make sure she will actually be there.

  12. how old is your daughter?

    this is kind of common sense. would you really let your daughter go off with strangers? you need to talk to the mom first, your daughter could be lying. i pulled lies liek that all the time when i was younger.

  13. Tell her you want to go and if she agrees to it, let her go alone.

  14. Yes you should talk to his mom. If they truly like each other, then dating should be a road to engagement and both families' support will be needed. If he is willing to bring his mom to a date, it means he probably wants to marry her.

  15. If you're really unsure of the whole thing, I'd go with all of them. this will help all of you to get to know and trust and know one another. It'll be a good thing. If people disagree with this, then its a no go, for me.

    My mom wouldn't let me go, and so I lied and said his mom was coming and she lied, but she never came.

    Its hard nowadays, huh? I mean, people were doing bad things before my time too.

    Sometimes, your the "good child", and your parent has nothing to worry about, but they freak out anyway. Sometimes your the "bad child", and no one knows... Its hard to know.

    Anyway, I'd also start inviting them over for dinner and other things, so you can all get to know one another and begin a basis for trust and all, like I said. Depends on her age too. I think maybe hitting around 15 is typical, not that I would let my daughter! lol. Younger, for me, is unacceptable. Can't even get a work permit to make money to go to the movies! Shouldn't be having a "boyfriend". :P

  16. If they're going to Batman, you won't have to worry about anything going on between them there the movie is too interesting!lol

    Ok, real advice, you should talk to his mom first before coming to a decision. Hope this helped!:)

  17. i think  u shuld let her go

    and test her trust

    i mean theres gonna b an adult there

    so they cant realy do anything

    shell be finee

  18. Yeah if you don't know anything about his mum i'd call the mother and organise it with her.

    Just have a general chat and see if your daughter needs to be dropped off at their house, what time or if she will get picked up.

  19. im 14  and i no i wouldnt want my mom coming along with

    me to the movies :| but if his mom is then i dont think so you

    probably have nothing to worry about.,

  20. Well, maybe you should call her mom and ask her if she's sure its ok for her to go with them.

    it will also be a good way for you guys to meet and know more what willbe going on with other dates!

  21. Yea talk to his mom....its kind of weird them not going alone...but you should trust her

  22. i started goin to the movies in 5th grade with no parents and i have not had any regrets as long as shes responsible and knows what not to do and her bf is a good kid and you trust her.. but if you worried jus have her call b4 and after the movie to check in and if the bfs mom is there it should be fine.. hope it helped

  23. Yes, let them go but talk to his mom to confirm she's going too..

  24. let her go, having a boyfriend probably makes her feel cool, and what are they gunna do, his moma is going to be there.... and if your worried then they must be young so all there going to do is hold hands.... MAYBE a peck on the cheech... its ok let her grow up. good luck

  25. If his mom is there, whats the big deal? They are going to kiss sometime anyway, you cant prevent love. I think she should be fine. Though, it is your daughter and you know her better than us. How old is she anyway?

  26. k, fur real, no offence parents are reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally strick, i got grounded cuz i didnt get a loaf of bread, let her have a bit of fun , but not too much

  27. How old is your daughter?   Have you met her boyfriend?  I would talk to his mom first.  Discuss with your daughter before calling the bf's mom.  You need to know who your daughter is spending time with.

  28. don't talk to his mom, trust me im 13 and i know that your daughter will think that you're "invading"

    just say yes (if its ok with you) but make sure you make it clear that her mom is going to be there

    for example tell her that his mom must pick your daughter up and have a casual conversation with the other mom- making sure that she is indeed watching the movie with them

    hope this helps!


  29. Say yes as long as you meet the mother. All in all it sounds pretty harmless.

  30. How old is your daughter? Depending on her age, I would talk to his mother first. If she is younger and you feel comfortable with his mother, I would let her go. If you don't feel comfortable letting her go with them alone, suggest that you go too. This would allow you to get to know his mother better so you may be more comfortable with them in the future.

    If you feel that she is old enough to make her own decisions, then let her choose. I don't think anything bad will happen if his mother is there. Good luck!

  31. If you trust her then you should let her go.

    But it's your choice not mine.

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