
My daughter was cited for underage drinking 3 years ago, she was sentence to pay a fine or 30 days in jail.

by Guest59238  |  earlier

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She paid the fine late and a warrant was issued for her arrest.She is now 23 years old.Does the warrant expire and if not how should she handle it without going to jail.




  1. Warrants never expire.  Paying a fine should negate the warrant, unless there are fees that were added due to it being late.  Just call the local police department and ask what needs to be done.

  2. You must contact the court to clear what sounds like a bench warrant.  I am afraid the jail part is up to the court.  The warrant does not expire it will stack up or show if she attempts to obtain government services or renew her drivers license ect...  Good luck

  3. Warrents dont expire.. she could be 60 and be pulled over by the cops for a traffic violation and they can arrest her.

    you should call the court house and ask... its not like they will trace your call and arrest your daughter while you are on the phone.

  4. The warrant doesn't go away by itself. If she really did pay all the fine, just late, she may have just a warrant fee added to the bill, and she can just go down and pay that and be done with it. These things tend to catch up to you at the worst possible time.  

  5. I would check with the court so that she doesn't get pulled over and hauled into Jail where they try to figure it out later.  

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