
My daughter was fired for telling the truth about another teacher copying her test about daycare. the head tea

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the head teacher called it slander, when is the truth slander&why should she be denied unemployment she paid for?




  1. Sorry to hear that doing the right thing didn't bring the desired results.  Tell your daughter that speaking the truth about some can be slander, if there is no proof.  You and your daughter should hold your heads high.  In today's world telling the truth is a rare commodity.   You have done a great job as a parent.  I believe that good does conquer over evil, maybe this is just the beginning of a brighter tomorrow...and your daughter shouldn't want to be some place that she isn't respected for her high morals.  Many blessings to you both.

  2. That is so bad! The other teacher should have gotten fired!

  3. just one word LAWYER....

  4. Talk to a lawyer first.  You will get farther with the school district when they know you mean business.  Then climb the ladder, go to the person directly over the head teacher.  Keep climbing till the situation is resolved.

    As for the unemployment, in most states you have to be employed a certain number of months, like 6, before you can collect.  This is also a question a lawyer can answer for you.

  5. Was there a history between your daughter and this other teacher? Was there a history between your daughter and the head teacher, and the school? How did you daughter go about bringing the copying up to the administration?

    I kind of feel like this is a very one sided part of the story. For a school to fire a trained Pre-school teacher at this point in the year, it seems rash if there was not a whole lot of other stuff going on as well.

    I teach pre-school and the other teachers and I get together and share lesson plans, assessments, curriculum, anything we need. Teaching is not a competitive sport. Why was your daughter so bothered that this other teacher 'copied' a test of hers? The idea is that you do what is best for the children, and if your daughters assessment is the best option for all the children than maybe she needs to think about the concept of sharing, something we work on everyday in my pre-school classroom.

    I don't want to be mean, it is sad that your daughter is being denied unemployment at this point because there is no way she can get another teaching job until August or so. Maybe she can work in daycare or something. If your daughter works at a public school then consult her union and see if she can be reinstated or at least receive unemployment.

  6. This sounds serious.  Slander is a very serious issue.  Why would the head teacher use that word, I wonder?

    You could could go to court......long, stressful and expensive.

    OR You could report what happened to the school board, that would be one step you could take.....

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