
My daughter was given a rat, it recently had eye surgery - stitches coming undone.?

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A few days ago my brother in law gave my daughter a rat. It recently had eye surgery about 2-3 weeks ago and one eye removed. The socket is closed up with some very small clear/white dissolvable stitches that are starting to either come undone or unravel. I can't get ahold of him to ask what to do and am a little nervous about messing with it, but the string is pretty long to where she can chew on it. Should we pull it out or maybe trim it?

I can't help but feel a little freaked out, although this is our responsibility now.

Otherwise from what I can tell, the socket looks healed. It's closed, no drainage.




  1. Two or three weeks is plenty enough time to heal. You can trim it. It's probably about ready to come off. Sometimes they don't always dissolve.  

  2. Trim it so it is too short for her to pull on, then don't worry about it.  Rats heal very quickly anyways, and 3 weeks is plenty of time for them to be over a surgery.  

  3. If surgery was 2-3 weeks ago, the wound is pretty much healed.  You said the stitches are dissolvable, so they will disintegrate on their own.  If there is a string hanging off, I would cut it short so as not to create irritation.  Otherwise, you can leave well enough alone.  

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