
My daughter was stung by a bee friday. im not sure what kind it was. i have been applying bendryl, ice, and

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baking soda paste to it but it is still very swelled. she was stung just below her little toe and the whole foot is swollen, even her ankle. my friends are telling me that the swelling should have gone down by now and im starting to worry. shes saying it doesnt hurt and shes not limping.. any advice?




  1. She could just have a little bit alergicness to the bee sting and could naturally go down and bee stings do not go away in 3-4 days they are like pimples but they hurt.

    There are no known bee's in the states that can kill anyone unless they are extremly allergic to the bee stings poison other than that you daughter is safe.

    For the best results consult your family doctor so he may recommend you to some medicine to lower the swelling and any pain that she may have, make sure you keep the area where she got stung clean if not she is still able to contract in infection which most people blame the bee sting but it the lack of attention you put on the site, maybe she still has the bee's sting in the area make sure the area is properly clean and can breave, don't be afraid to apply a little alcohol or give your daughter some medication as recommended by doctor only.

  2. Have You Seen A docter About This?

  3. Most doctors will tell you to take an anti-histamine (such as benadryl) to reduce the swelling of a bee sting.  As you have already done this, your only other option would be to go to the doctor and get something a little stronger to counteract the sting.

    Since it has been a few days and the swelling has progressed, this leads me to believe that your daughter is not having a typical reaction to the sting.  I agree with the majority of posters on this site that she might have been bit by a spider - or, perhaps, your daughter is allergic.

    If you are worried about your daughter, I would recommend that you take your daughter to see a doctor, just to be on the safe side.  Even if it turns out to be nothing serious (which, from her lack of pain etc, seems the most likely explanation), you will at least have the assurance of a professional opinion.

  4. I have been keeping honey bees for several years now and i feel pretty confident about answering this one. Some form of benidryl or antihistamine will help with the itching and possibly the swelling if taken soon after the sting. You will receive lots of input about thinngs like meat tendorizer, tobacco,baking soda an other topical treatments. they are all just wives tales. I have tried and they none seam to work. the venom of a wasp is different than that of a honey bee. a honey bees venom is an irritant used to defend the hive while a wasps venom is used to kill its prey. My best advice is to not rub or scratch and let it run its course. it is normal for it to be sore for a few of days.   due to the area of the sting I would expect some sweling for a few days.

    I have had one itch and be sore and swolen for as little as a few minuts or as long as a weak  

  5. DEFINATLEY go to a doctors... she could get really ill if you dont, please please do!!!

  6. get her to the doctor.

    she could be allergic.

    even if she's not they can give her something to get rid of the swelling.

  7. She may not have been stung by a bee, but bitten by a spider. Better get her checked out by a MD.

  8. you should try and elevate her foot.  

  9. Yup.  Get her to a doctor soon.  I didn't think bee stings usually swelled that much.  Seems kind of excessive to me.  

  10. If the whole foot is swollen this is not normal.  It is possible that the stinger is still in her skin and could cause an infection.  As for allergies, if she were allergic to bees she would have had SERIOUS problems within the first few hours.  It doesn't seem to be something to get seriously worked up about but I would definitely recommend that you take her to the doctor asap.  Swelling that bad and for that long is not a normal reaction to a bee sting.

  11. Get her to a doctor. Has she ever been stung before? If this is the first time then she is probably allergic to bee stings. Just get her to the doctor within the next 24 hours.

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