
My daughter who is 8 has a tic this is the 3rd different 1 she has had in 2yrs non have been vocal any advice

by  |  earlier

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she had the mouth openin, bending of legs and now she keeps hunchin over any help or info would be good as not got anywere with the doctors




  1. I know how you must feel now and I'm not sure what to say. But how about bringing her to a Charismatic christian church in your area. Check it out. They will pray for your daughter if you ask them. See what happens.  Jesus is alive and promised that His church will pray for the sick and He would heal them through the Church and laying on of hands. Bring her. You will be welcomed.

  2. time to request a specialist.  do some research and talk to your pediatrician.  get some counseling for yourself.

  3. I have Tourettes and so does my 14 year old son.  It's not the end of the world.  It's a condition that's not going to go away, but it probably will diminish as she gets older, so if that's what she has then please don't worry about it.

    You should persevere with the doctors though.  Get a second opinion.  They should be sending her to a paediatrician to get it properly assessed.  If it is Tourettes they'll send her to a child psychologist.  Sounds scary but all that will happen is that she'll meet the psychologist roughly every 6 months to find out how she's coping with it.  It will also go on her school record, which is a good thing, as if the teachers are aware of it, she won't get told off for making noises or fidgeting in class when what she's actually doing is tic'ing.

    Just try to be relaxed about it.  She needs to learn that it's a part of her and she has to live with it.

  4. My middle grandson (eight also) has a nose wrinkling habit and although some on here talked about "Tourette's Syndrome" I think that it is just a habit - they are growing fast you know and exploring facial expressions and so forth!

    If her doctor is not too worried then nor should you be - in my opinion.If she continues look at the sites others have given and contact them but please don't make her self-conscious about it like my daughter-in-law does my grandson.I know that he will grow out of it as one of his uncles did (blinking in his case!).

  5. I'd get a referral from your doctor to see someone who might know more about this e.g. a neuropsychologist.

    Do you think she might have Tourettes? If so check out the Tourette Syndrome Association (they probably have a website) to get some advice about who to see that might be in your area.

  6. i had tics when i was younger too!! and i went to a doctor and they put me on this medication but they were afraid there would be side effects like making my heart stop, etc. I had tics for the longest time and eventually they just went away. Does your daughter know about the tics? i think that helped me get over them. I've probably had about 5 different ones and i would go through phases with them. I used to do this thing where i would clap my hands and it would be embarrassing when other kids asked me why i was clapping, so i had to keep thinking of excuses. You can't control tics...i knew i was doing them, but i couldn't do anything to stop them. i think once i was aware of them and tried to stop, it worked. Your daughter might have anxiety or some stress-related issue. Try doing something that will relax her, like maybe listening to calm music when she goes to sleep or something. there's really not much you can do, but to hope it will stop i guess. i know a lot of people who have grown out of their tics. i think that's the case with most people but i'm not sure why. good luck with your daughter!!! =)

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