
My daughter who turns 8 next month has been complaining of a tummy?

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ache almost constantly for the last two weeks. We've ruled out hunger pains, bowel related pains, and I've been paying attention to what she eats, and there doesn't seem to be any correlation. The tummy ache doesn't stop her from doing anything, but it concerns me that it has gone on this long. (for a while I thought it might be lactose intolerance, but cutting out milk hasn't changed a thing)

Help??? As soon as school is out, last day is Thursday, I'm taking her to the pediatrician, but I thought I'd ask here if anyone had any ideas what could be wrong.




  1. does she eat wheat???

    email me at:

  2. As soon as i finished reading your question the man on a TV show im watching shouted "its an ulcer!"

    Something to think about...

    Or it could be anxiety. From now until she goes to the doctor write down everything she eats and when her stomach hurts. This will be helpful to the doctor.

  3. really good chance she is constipated. My son was going everyday but he still was backed up. An xray was taken and I couldn't believe it. It was all in the colon. He went on this medicine through the pharmacy that is like a pure sugar thing that they use over a few months (doctor recommended) but get her checked, nothing worse than stomach pains

  4. I would not wait any longer - you should take her to the doctor now.....this could be her appendix - or something equally as bad.

  5. The pediatrician is your best bet.  You can ask about the guesses given here.  The doctor is the professional and will actually be examining her.

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