
My daughter will be 3 in september and she refuses to go potty in the toilet. Any suggestions?

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My daughter will be 3 in september and she refuses to go potty in the toilet. Any suggestions?




  1. does she only use te potty chair or will she not use ANYTHING?  All kids develop in their own time and she will do it when she is ready.  Pushing her will only make her resist more, so let her do it in her own time.

  2. Buy her big girl underwear! Buy ones with  her favorite charactors on them. And do NOT use a pull up. all that does is confuse them. Good luck.

  3. Mommy as often as you can,go to the Restroom with her and by showing her that it is not a punishment,that Mommy's have to do it to ,it will help her understand and be less resistant to going! PATIENTS! Good-Luck!

  4. The easiest way is to set up an instant reward system, leave a jar of candy in the bathroom, or set up a star chart so that when she goes she gets a star, when she gets 4 stars she gets a reward.  Don't give her anything for trying because she's at the age when she knows what her urges to go to the bathroom means.  Also, if she goes in her pants or diaper, make her take them off and put them where they belong, don't change her, make her change herself.  Let her know that certain things she might want are only for big girls who use the potty.  Also, if she's afraid of going to the bathroom then one of the easiest ways to have her go is to pick her up when she's sleeping and set her on the toilet, she'll only be semi awake and her body will allow her to pee without her realizing it.  I hope this helps, good luck!

  5. this may sound harsh but if you punish her when she doesn't go then she will get the hint. I'm not saying beat her . but stick her butt in timeout she will get tired of not being able to play just because she wet herself. and don't put diapers or pulls ups on her. you daughter is being lazy because you continue to let her get away with it. I'm not saying you dont try but everytime you give in she wins.

  6. That's BS. If they are past a size 4 in diapers, it's time to get off. You gotta think. You can go to headstart at 3. What exactly are you doing? Do you put her on the potty, or on the big toilet? little  cousin was so damned stubborn and refused to use the bathroom. She used to scream and eventually fall a sleep on the toilet. She still pee's in the bed and she's 9. Bump that when they are ready, they are ready. That's just as bad as seeing a 2-3 year old in a stroller sucking on a d**n pacifier and drinking a bottle. People spoil their kids too much. You won't know if they are ready if you don't try it. And not you, just the people who say that as if the kid will come in outta the blue one day like, I'm ready now. BS. So take her outta pullups if you're using them and put her in big girl panties. Sit her on the big girl toilet and sit with her. Get some snacks and tell her if she wants the snacks, she has to go potty. And of course you have to cheer when she goes. Make a really big deal. Have her look at you use the restroom. Just pee of course. lol. And I know it sounds mean, but like I told another person who had a similar question, if she goes on herself. Leave it on her for a few minutes. Not too long, 'cause we don't want any rashes, but a few minutes. They don't like that at all because it's very uncomfortable, and eventually, she'll go in the potty. Only give her snacks when she goes, not when she cries, or after she gets mad. Good luck. I have 4 and they were all trained by 2

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