
My daughter will be 7 months on the 23rd and she isnt sitting up yet?

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My daughter will be 7 months on the 23rd and she isnt sitting up yet?




  1. don't worry about it. Mine didn't sit till over 10 months by themselves. All kids are different. She will soon

  2. i knew that my son could sit up way before he actually started to on his own...he didn't want to. i think that the Independence can scare them....

  3. Thats only a tiny bit slow, don't worry. Is she a big baby?

    Maybe she has lots to see and likes the view from where she is. I am serious. One of my kids was slow to walk and it freaked me out. It was months after the other kids. His doctor said he went when he was ready....He did. He's a grown man, a good man. Goes to school full tme and works full time. But he still walks slow at times!!

  4. It's probably OK as long as she is rolling over, reaching and grabbing. You can help her along by laying her on her back and gently holding her hands and lifting, like you are helping her to sit up. Do it very slowly. If she does not try to help herself sit up and flex her little tummy muscles, call the doc. But,  she is still within normal range.

    You spend the first year trying to teach them to walk and talk, and the rest of their lives trying to teach them to sit down and shut up! Go figure! :)

  5. Don't worry about her doing things when she "should".  Baby books give milestone achievements at a certain age as a guideline but in no way does every child reach these milestones at the same age.  Some are early some are late.  My son didn't sit up on his own until he was 8-1/2 months and didn't start walking until he was 16 months.  There was absolutely nothing wrong with him...he just did these things later than the average kid.

  6. either give her a little more time or see your doctor

  7. my nephew is also 7 months and not sitting up alone yet.  Each baby is different, and that is perfectly normal. My youngest daughter was walking at 11 mos, but she would never roll over from her back to her tummy till 10 mos old!  She just didn't want to.  If a child isn't sitting up by 12-14 mos that is when I would start to wonder.

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