
My daughter will be 7 weeks old ?

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when its Fathers day we dont have alot of money and i have no idear what to do for him any idears??




  1. Use child safe paint and make a T-shirt, coffee mug or something like that with little foot prints since her hands may or may not cooperate with staying open long enough to print them on something.

    Or you can put her picture on a t-shirt or coffee mug again, whatever he'll use most!  Even a cute picture frame that says "I (heart) Daddy!" or something would work.  Or maybe if you have a lot of pictures laying aroud you can make a collage of some sort!

  2. a hand made card with a handprint on the front of it..use some blue paint and put glitter all over it, maybe get a little i love daddy teddybear or something or a keyring etc... go on ebay and amazon, u can get some really nice 'i love daddy' things on there for less than $5!  

  3. You could take a couple of pictures of your husband with the baby and get inexpensive frames for them.  My husband did this for me for Mother's Day and i thought it was great!!  I think he spent about 10$ (US dollars) printing out 2 pics and buying the frames.

  4. you dont need to go to extremes for fathers day. its his 1st fathers day so itll be special n e way. you could always go to the $2 shop and pick up some bits and pieces or even just make him breakfast in bed

  5. Don't worry... it's not until the middle of June.

  6. I made a poem about daddy's guiding their children by the hand throughout their lives and put the baby's hand prints on it...he loved it! You can look online for daddy's hands or children's hands and put that poem in if you aren't poetic. Use non toxic finger paints and construction paper. If you can't do that financially, create a daddy and baby day. Find things that daddy likes to do that will help him bond with the baby. Things like picnics, park time, walks, etc. Good luck and don't worry, the baby is daddy's gift this year anyway.

  7. you have got plenty of time throw a couple dollars in a jar every father's day you'll have more than enough....wal-greens will put a picture on a mug for you for like 12 bucks... and you should have enough left over for a card....if you dont want to spend money.. just make him a nice dinner, and desser....and tell him how much he is appriciated

  8. I would bake him a cake and put Happy Father's Day on it. I would do this along with a card that has a pic of him and his daughter in it.

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