
My daughter won't let me put her down?

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My daughter is 13 weeks and she won't let me put her down!! She is otherwise a great problems sleeping or eating ...she's been really good, until recently I realized if I put her down to make dinner or to brush my teeth she cries and as soon as I pick her up she stops. I have tried two different kind of swings, I have tried her boppy, the floor with toys around her....I feel like I have exhausted all options!!

Can someone please give me some advice on what to back is killing me from carrying her around all I don't want to spoil her.




  1. You have to let her on the floor even if she cries, by her crying and you picking her up your letting her know that whenever she cries shell get what she wants just tell her no im not gonna pick you up mommy is going to some chores

  2. with good reason she needs you and she is still young.. she is only 13 weeks old if you leave her to cry she will become insecure ..dont do that to her..

  3. Well GOOD LORD, you CAN"T spoil her, she's 13 weeks ON THE OUTSIDE! Now that i've said that, a lot of babies hate the swings, so no surprise. Have you tried a sling on you? Or maybe a front pouch? She just wants to be near you, smell you, have you hold her so she feels safe. She'll grow out of it, you just have to give her time.  Then, at 6 months, she'll do it all over again when strangers are around. Then, someday, she'll be too embarrased to let you hold her and you'll remember just wanting to put her down.

  4. Just a thought, but since she's still small you might try using one of those chest carrier thingies It won't help your back a lot, but your hands will be free.

    When you do put her down to brush your teeth or cook dinner, do you put her down in the same room with you where she can see you? Like in a little play pen? She's gonna have to get used to being put down eventually.

  5. this is really easy just put her down if she cries she cries she's gonna do that a lot your just gonna have to live with it for the next well until dead really...cause it doesn't ever stop

  6. My granddaughter is 7 weeks and what we do is turn on the television.  The sound and images keep her entertained.  Make sure she is well fed, changed and comfortable in her swing or bouncer.

    Soothing sounds

    Visual delights and distractions

    Close physical contact and touching

    Good luck.

  7. you will have to be cruel to be kind......she is controlling you so let her exercise her lungs and cry for a while  and try to change the pattern as it will only get worse when she realises that you will jump when she wants you to.  It will only take a few days and she will get used to bieng put down.  Make sure she can hear or see you when you put her down.  Have a good day from Sandy  in Australia.

  8. ok look she probly cries when you do want to put her down correct, then she stops like you say when you pick her up

    try to pick her up only when is nessecary and when is not you shouldn't

    problably at first its going to be hard hearing her cry but then she will get use to it  


  10. let her cry..she's gona have to get used to it...(i mean she's just crying after all...not because she's sick just cus she want you to pick her up.)

    other wise its just gona get worse!

  11. honestly if you have already checked that nothing is wrong with her, and shes fed, and changed. Leave her! leave her when she cries because even though at her age she figures out that when she cries, you come pick her up. Shes got you all wrapped around her finger :)

    so you should start just letting her cry for a while,

    and eventually she will stop.

    When they are into their 2's & 3's it will especially pay off

    good luck!

  12. It is tough to let her cry, but if she won't let you put her in a moses basket  near you, then I would say... you have to let her cry.

    Of course, only a few minutes the first time, and then increase it by a few more minutes each time. Eventually, she will realize what is going on.

    Sometimes, it helps if you talk softly or sing to her while you are doing what you have to do.  She might calm down while listening to you.

    Whatever you do, remain calm and in control... good luck :o)

    By the way, please don't carry her or put her in a baby sling while you cook.  It is very dangerous.  Of course, you probably already know this.

  13. well she is spoiled a little not so much like a 5 year old but she is on the way and it will only get worse if you don't break the habit now. your back is killing you so you have no choice but to put her down letting her cry may sound cruel but you have tried everything else the sling thing sounds good but like you said your back is hurting so how long can you deal with that before having to take the sling off. my  baby used to be the same way. if she takes a pacifier that should help calm her.and the only reason why I said she is on the way to being spoiled is  because she stops crying as soon as you pick her back up which is the clue if she isn't wet or hungry her cries are for your attention. if you can bring the swing into the room where you will be so she can see you.

  14. You have two choices, either buy a baby carry and put her on your chest, or bite the bullet and put her down.

    It will take about 3 days until she realises that unless she needs something, i.e food, nappy change, you will not be picking her up.  

    There is time for all things, including play time with your daughter, but you also need to be able to get on with your things.

    Also consider popping her down for a nap, and then getting your stuff done, including some rest for yourself.

    If you do not take care of yourself you can not take care of your daughter.

  15. Are you with your daughter 24/7?She might be used to being held by you.Maybe you can carry her with a sling?

  16. Spoil her?

    She's 13 weeks old!!!!

    You need to carry her!

  17. Too late you've already spoiled her.  Put her down and let her cry.  You will never get anything done carrying her around letting her manipulate you. Be the parent, you're the mother who is in control not the child. Put her down.

    Soon she will be a teenager playing you like a puppet.


  18. My son was the same way! I feel for you. He is 5

    now and life is sooo much easier. I had to get a sling

    you wear on put him on me in front while I cleaned

    etc. I held him all the time and still do and he isnt

    spolied he is sweet as pie. It is tough though, she

    just loves you and wants to be with you. Try the papoose

    thing though, it works. As for the shower I had to put him

    in his carrier in the bathroom and do it quick. As he got older

    he became more independent. Good Luck with baby :)

  19. Unfortunately, this sounds like a case of you've gotta go what you've gotta do. At this age you won't spoil her by holding her, but that doesn't mean you can't let her cry while you brush your teeth.

    Is she in the room with you when you're fixing dinner? If not, try bringing her swing in there so she can watch you. It might help.

  20. she's spoiled... just let her cry... she'll get over it, it may break your heart but it's what best for her... Let her cry and after like 5 minutes, come give a hug to let her know that even though you leave her side you're still there for her.. She'll get used to it and stop crying, all kids do this.

  21. idk lol never had a baby sorry:(

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