
My daughter wont enter my bedroom?

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Lastnight my daughter slept in my bedroom and woke me up screaming and shaking that there is a girl near my cupboard saying peek-a-boo i couldnt see anything, took me 2hours to settle her. I had to sleep in the living room with her cause she wouldn't go to sleep, this morning i asked her what happen, she said she went to the toliet and when she laid back down she heard a girl and she sat up and saw her near my cupboard and she kepted saying peek-a-boo i asked her too show me and i went too take her into my bedroom and she started kicking and screaming saying mummy no i'm scared, so i didnt go in she wont even go into my hallway now she is really freaking out. how can i settle her and let her know nothing is going to hurt her i've tryed everything today but she will not move.




  1. Fear is a part of childhood and there is nothing you can do about it but comfort her.  Tell her the little girl does not want to hurt her and that she has no reason to be afraid.  Don't doubt what she saw - she really did see her.  Surely she doesn't have to go into your bedroom so avoiding that should not be too hard.  Leave all internal doors open so that she knows she can call you if she needs you and make sure she has a lamp by her vbed she can switch on.  Don't get over anxious as you will communicate this to the child.  If you want the child to leave your home then find a good medium (which is not going to be easy) or spiritualist to assist the child passing over.  My childhood was absolutely filled with dead people but the worst thing about it was adults not believing me - it made me feel very isolated, alone and very much more afraid of something I did not understand (I instintively knew they were dead even as a very young child I just didn't understand what they wanted with me).  I am sure I would have appreciated if my parents would just have listened and not doubted the things I told them.  If your child is sensitive it is likely that there will be other visits. No harm can come to you or your child.  Unfortunately the "gift" never goes away although I am able to control it much more as an adult and its not something I am usually wiling to share with other people.

  2. wow,

    Maybe she did see it. Tell her to make friends with  her and then she wont be scared.

  3. I think these things are quite common in children and it doesn't necessarily mean that you have a ghost.  If you're not feeling too knackered after last night maybe you could consider a nice day out with your daughter to take both your minds off it, doesn't have to be expensive, just a visit to a local park, or something that she likes to entice her out of the house.  Of course this is dependent on her age, but you could propose to her going out and some sort of treat.  It may not solve the problem when you get back home but you'll have put some sort of fresh perspective on it.

  4. The brain can play tricks. Especially when coming out of a sleep stage/level. Perhaps the residue from a dream she was having remained while she got up to use the toilet, and she hadn't fully come out of the sleep stage that she was in.

    I would suggest explaining to her (if she will listen) that what she saw wasn't really there but part of a dream she was having. Good luck

  5. Your daughter has seen the spirit of the little girl......and the reason she says mommy she is because...the little girl might of gotten she might of fell and hit her head and so her head might have a hole and blood might be all over her.....of she might of been hit by a car and her legs are cut up.......You see...your daughter isn't just seeing the little girl...she is seeing how she got hurt....and that is what might be scaring her........Some kids are able to see spirits at a very early age.....and now that your daughter has seen one...she may see more.....You one told her she couldn't see spirit before......keep the lights on helps a lot not seeing them......your not going to change her mind......let her stay in any part of the house she feels safe.....and not scared....even if she sleeps in the living room with the TV on all night

    Contact  ...chip him what your daughter is going through....he will help.... ask him about it.....he started a new show on A & E called  psychic children.......and is able to help the kids understand what they see......He can also tell the little girl  to go away to Heaven and not come around your little girl any more.

  6. Do you believe in spirits//ghosts?

    Because if you do... you may never even want to stay there.

    You don't want make your daughter try to be friends with her.

    What if she does have the talent of seeing these things.

    And godforbid she comes across a bad one.

    You don't want her to be open to the fact of making friend with it. You shouldn't force her to your room. Unfortunately there is not much you can do... but make sure she feels comfortable there. You may want to ask her if she even feels comfortable living there period and if she says no then maybe it's best you leave. There is the possiblity that she knows or sees something you don't or can't so why take any chances. But then again she seems young (gathered that from the sleeping with mommy thing) so it could just be her imagination. She could be playing it up so you will give her attention. But by the way she acted i highly doubt that is the case. You may want a paranormal specialist to come in and check things out... probably while your daughter isn't home.

    Take their advice and just go with it.

    Good luck with your daughter.

    And I hope it is nothing but her imagination.

    Have a nice night.

  7. Maybe there *is* a girl in the house besides her.

    I'd encourage her to make friends with the little beastie, so at least she'll give you a good night's sleep without being afraid of a ghost. Most "things that go bump in the night" are harmless...just a bit freaky, sometimes annoying, and often seem to have fun scaring us living folks. It's rare to get a mean one.

    Tell her that the other girl meant no harm and was just trying to play, and that she's not going to hurt anyone. Harmful spirits won't just be like "peek-a-boo"! Just make sure to watch her and make sure she's open with you about these things.

    And feel free to email me if you need to.

  8. i would ask her you child if shes nice or not because kids have a good sence of humen nature and then try to find out what the little girl wants from your little girl good luck

  9. yeah, i'm creeped now


  10. Try a ritual that cleans a house of spirits and demons that may help or move the bed and the cubbords. that SHOULD work.

  11. this could of been a dream that seemed very real, u have to be sceptical or else u will end up in fear 2! we all have dreams that seem very real, so to a child this can seem even more real as they can't understand the difference like we can.

    Don't force her to go up there if she doesn't want 2 coz u may end up scaring her even more.

    Just try and reassure her that she had just had a bad dream and that u have checked yourself.

    good luck!

  12. you didnt mention her age? im guessing she is young though. it is believed that children have a kind of sixth sense and are more likely to see things like this as thier imagionation is pure. weather you belive this or not or weather you believe your daughter did see something doesnt really matter. something has scared her and nothing is going to make her think other wise. tell her you believe her and respect her wishes of not wanting to go back into that room. she may forget about it. she just needs a little time. talk to her about ghosts and explain what they are, this might help her understand. make it clear they cannot hurt her. if you dont believe in this sort of thing it will be hard but dont tell her that she didnt see something. have an open mind. do you own research, find out about the history of your house ect. just give her time, dont push her into doing anything she doesnt want to and listen to what she has to say. i hope this helps, good luck

  13. You need to make her feel more safe; you could buy some glitter and plastic wands and say that when you've sprinkled the "fairy dust" over the room the little girl will be really happy and stop bothering your daughter. Or you could keep your door constantly open and try and get her to peek in so she can see there's nothing there.

  14. Speaking as someone who can be dense with this sort of thing,  I have to say this:  Obviously priority one is calm her down.  Priority two is learn what you are going to live with -- period.

    I've known real hard-core skeptics who were converted by their experiences in this or that house.  And I've known some really creative kids.

    Calling the Ghost Hunters or the equivalent doesn't seem like such a brilliant idea -- they can tell you what evidence there is  "something is there".  You want to know how your daughter will behave and is she going to be comfortable.

    That she is four doesn't mean something is there or it isn't there.  It also doesn't mean she won't be comfortable -- or even that she should be comfortable.

    The best thing to do is talk to clergy: not because having studied theology automatically confers any authority but because Pastoral counseling, while often overlooked, can be very useful in many areas of family life.

    It was real last night and obviously it will be real to her for a while.  As she gets bigger she may forget about it or she may learn to feel less uncomfortable with this girl.  And if it is a girl is it such a bad thing?

    I've known some real hard-core skeptics who became believers in ghosts after their experiences in some houses.

  15. If your baby girl is less than 6 years old...

    Believe everything that she is seeing.

    Don't push her to face something that you think isn't there.

    Don't tell her that nothing is gonna hurt her. Just let your baby girl know that you're there to protect her and that you're going take care of you. Make sure to always hold her hand if you want to go around the house together. =)

  16. it might be a ghost. encourage her to say hello, or if she really doesnt feel comfortable with her being there, tell her to ask her to kindly go away as she is a bit scared.


  17. Wow.  That's freaky.  When my daughter was younger (like 1 or 2) she was in my bed one night and woke up at like 3am talking to an imaginary figure in the corner of my room.

  18. It was a dream. She was half asleep.

    And most parents would give anything to have a kid who won't go in their room.

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